Part 1

Part 1. New View

Section 1.1. Finite — Infinite

Block 1.1,1

Our human life is designed so, that everything in it has its beginning and its end. This is because — we ourselves are born and die. And our memory is limited by this period. But we live in the universe. And we are the part of it!

 And any scientist will tell you that the universe is infinite; and any part — must have the signs of the whole. But what signs can infinity have ?! Of course — endless!

 And what is infinity, in our general understanding?

— This is something so infinitely large, infinitely long, infinitely distant and in general — immeasurable, incomprehensible and foggy, with blurred borders.

Because when we start to imagine infinity, then at the edge of our image of a “mentally drawn picture” there is always blurred and uncertainty. We can mentally advance further, but blur and uncertainty will also advance. And this will continue until we are tired of this activity.

 We can say that we mentally moved along the path of infinity. Or we can say that we mentally increased = expanded our personally imagined infinity.

Scientists say that, according to the redshift effect, the Universe (which is infinite) is expanding. And then, perhaps, it will begin to shrink. And it turns out that infinity — is very strange: it expands (how it can expand — if it’s already infinite?), and then it suddenly begins to shrink … (and what will remain there, after compression, when the infinity will pass?! …) In general, there is some misunderstanding on all of this. Let’s figure it out.

Block 1.1,2

Let’s start with infinity, or with infinities, if there are many of them. Let’s see:

Let’s take a point in front of us and draw a line from it to the right and let’s, mentally, continue this line to infinity … And it turns out that this infinity has no end, but its beginning is right in front of us. Well, if we look at this matter from the opposite endless point of view, then it turns out that there is no beginning, but the end — is just in front of us.

 Now let’s draw, from the same point, a line to the infinity to the left … Up … Down … Side … It turns out that our point is just in the center of all these infinities. Now we can move this our point relative to this center of our infinities, with completely measurable coordinates. We can also move our infinities relative to each other, and we can display with numeral the coordinates of their movement relative to our original conditional center.

Now let’s take, at some point, a piece of emptiness and mentally expand it to infinite size … Let’s take another several pieces of emptiness, at several points, and let’s also mentally expand them to infinite size …

 Well, now we can move these imaginary void = spaces, mentally taking them as conditionally central points, left and right, put them into each other, increase and decrease; in short — to make any actions with them.

Let’s call all of these and similar infinities, an external infinities. This will also include endless rows of numbers, ranges and coordinates.

Now consider another option:

       Lets  take a ruler and draw a specific final segment, for example, 20 cm long. Now divide it in half. Now we got in one segment of 20cm,  two segments of 10cm. Now we’ll again divide these 2 segments, of 10 cm each, in halves, and we’ll get in one segment of 20 cm, the four segments of 5 cm. Now lets halve the segments of 5 cm long, again, and we’ll get in one segment of 20 cm, the eight segments of 2.5 cm long. And so on …

          When will this operation end? Never !!!

The number of segments will be more and more. Their sizes will be smaller. But where is that line, when it will not be possible to divide the segment again? There is no such line! It’s just our thinking stereotype interferes us to realize this verity, because of imaginary sizes of a pencil, or an atom, or something else …

 But the fact remains: there is a specific segment, a specific size, and dividing it into smaller segments, can go on indefinitely. Yes, the size of the segments will decrease and decrease, tend to zero … But will never, never, reach this zero.

Now let’s take any volume of any shape, for example, the system of a pyramid with a ball attached to the side. And let’s begin to reduce the size of this volume, each time for a half. If the volume is reduced proportionally in both parts of the system, the shape will be preserved. If we simply reduce the volume of the part, without worrying about the whole form, then the form will change, but the reduction procedure itself, in both cases, will be preserved endlessly.

The volume will tend to zero, but will never become zero, in the meaning, that it will never completely disappear.

Let’s name such infinities — internal infinities. This will include infinite series of divisions, and an infinite number of shades, and infinite components of the ranges.

Well, what we have? It turned out the following: we can confidently say that, firstly — with infinity, we can perform various actions.

Secondly, any objects, subjects, processes and everything that is the part of the Universe, initially carry the signs of infinity, which, in fact, in an infinite Universe, is correct and logical. (And even all that, what from our point of view, has an undeniable end and beginning, is just a link in an endless chain).

And finally, thirdly — infinities can be both different and the same, and of any shape and size, and there are infinitely many of them (infinities).

 Using the infinities, we vested them in the form of our mental images <feelings, sensations>, we took specific physical objects or drawings and performed certain specific actions with them …

From this follows one of the most important for us in the future characteristics of infinity — infinity can be fixed: as a feeling, as an information, as an object; and the actions can be performed with it, as with a single unit.

And from this follows the paradoxical, at first glance, conclusion that even the most infinite and comprehend infinity, in fact, is not so absolutely comprehensive and not so absolutely infinite; and it has its own, albeit blurry and almost unattainable limits. The universe is infinite — but measurable.

So, after all, our scientists say that although our Universe is infinite, it is quite likely that there is both the Anti-Universe <Anti-World> and parallel Universes <parallel Worlds>. And black holes — «from the same song.»

Of course, it is possible that somewhere, in the depths of their souls, they (scientists) believe that all this happens in a comprehensive and boundless void (of unknown origin …).

But we will explain this in the second part of the concept =NicA=.

So — we have considered infinity. The general definition of physical infinities can be expressed as follows: infinities are systems or objects, being inside of which, it is impossible to reach their limits, according to the laws reigning inside. Black Holes, by the way, is a very good example here.

Block 1.1,3.

         Now let’s consider the exact opposite of infinity — the point.

First we derive a definition — and what do we actually mean when we say: «A point on a map. A point in the sky. A hot spot on the planet. Events develop at this point. At this point in the Universe there is a large cluster of galaxies.»

When we consider and mean something as a point, we consider it in a system that is many times larger than the size of this considered <something>. Exceeding so much that the size of the object itself, in such a system, can be neglected. Because, in this case, it really looks like a point. For example, some small village on a large map of the World; and even more — some house on the surface of planet Earth. Similarly, the cluster of galaxies in one place, in the infinity system of our Universe, for us looks like a point. And for a cluster of galaxies — we look like a point. Everything is relative.

It turns out, that the main thing in such considerations is the system <scale of priority (importance) of values>, which is used by those, who consider the «point object». That is: for us — our «near World» surrounding us — is incomparably more important and more valuable than some distant, far away cluster of galaxies.

 But at the same time, we still mean and believe that the World around us, and around this cluster of galaxies, is incommensurably larger, in all its manifestations, than this galactic cluster in one of its «tiny» places.

So, it turns out, that depending on the viewing system, a point can be considered as a point on a map, a city, a planet, a star, and a cluster of galaxies …

Is there a limit to this series of actions?

Of course, there is no such limit!

Whatever infinitely huge size we would consider — in a system of infinity of infinities, this size can be represented as a point.

The conclusions follow from this …

The first conclusion — is the definition of what can be considered a physical point:

 As a point, we can consider = regard any object, if the system in which it is considered, is so large, that the size of the object can be neglected. (Again, black holes are a good example).

And the second conclusion: any infinity can be considered as a point.

And, based on the logical proofs and conclusions of the previous blocks, it follows, that any point can be considered as infinity.

This implies one of the most paradoxical, but also one of the most important laws of the structure of Our Universe, = Our World:

 — The point is identical to infinity.

(Identically, means — the same < the same things in principle, that has the same characteristics, has the characteristics of both >).

 And it turns out, that Our Universe can be considered both as a point and as infinity.

The Universe has the characteristics of both. (The unity of opposites). And, an infinitely large amount, in an infinitely small volume — is quite natural and possible. Just, depending on what and how … Everything is relative. (Again, a great example is “black holes”.)

 By the way,  scientists felt and knew this earlier. But they did not dare to derive clear and specific formulas, rules, laws, formulations — for some reasons. The reason is the inertness of our human thinking and the narrow angle of its (thinking) direction. And one of the main tasks of the first part of this book is to correct this situation, overcoming inertness and stereotypes.

Section 1.2. What is the size.

 Block 1.2,1.

         Well, what do we get?

Infinitely large in the infinitely small … And anyway: the point is equal to infinity … Well, then how to distinguish between big and small? So what then is the size?

— Travelers know that it is very difficult to determine the size of an unfamiliar object in the snowy tundra, in the open, calm sea, and in the sky, “by eye”. There is nothing to compare.

Well, now lets’ imagine what happens, if everything around us: homes, and furniture, and the Universe, and ourselves, begins to increase (decrease) proportionally, including intermolecular and interatomic and other forces and energies, and atoms and particles themselves ?! What will we feel or see? Just nothing !!!

 Because — no matter what we compare with — all proportions and comparisons will remain unchanged!

So it turns out that the size, = quantity <the concept of small and large>, is just the ratio of the sizes of things around us, = the World surrounding us, relative to our own and average human sizes.

Section 1.3.

Where is the reality — and where is the illusion (that, what seems real to us).  And who and how perceives them.

(That is, where reality, = actuality <the way it really>, and where the way it seems <only visibility, or invisibility, or half-invisibility>, in short — deception, = mirage, = half-truth, = untruth. And who and how do perceives all this).

  Block 1.3,1.

— Do you see the gopher? — No! — But it exists!

 — Do you see the water in the desert? — Yes! — But it does not exist!

 — That is about our whole life … Our organs of perception are imperfect.  Our feelings, sensations are imperfect. And the conclusions, made on their basis, are also imperfect.

Block 1.3,2.

         Take a look at the starry sky at night. What will you see? Anything, but not the truth …

 Light comes from some stars for decades, from others — hundreds, thousands, millions of years…

Maybe, the half of these stars do not exist any more … Maybe, a myriad of new appeared …

Maybe so — maybe not … But the fact remains: we see a «hodgepodge» from a huge range of different times, without any guarantees for the truth of what was seen.

— Take a look at the propeller. — There it is. — Turn it on. — And it disappeared.

 — And the cinema — everything is so smooth and holistic … But in reality — everything is jerky and in frames.

— Gophers … Mirages … Holograms … Starry sky … Moving and disguised objects … Cinema …

It turns out, that very, very often, what we see is different from the verity (truth). And this is only about visibility. But how much, in fact, can we generally see in the narrow electromagnetic diapason of radiation that we perceive (the so-called optical window); this small segment of the information we perceive, on the background of an infinite spectrum of these electromagnetic radiation ?! If we would perceive a different diapason — both light and the World would be different for us.

Block 1.3,3.

         Humanity is divided into those, who believe in God, soul, spirits and devilry; those, who do not believe in all this; and those, who doubt and seek evidences.

— The main argument in favor of the fact, that there is nothing of this is, that the vast majority of mankind has never seen and never felt, never had contact, nor touched anything like that.

Let’s say that it is so! Now let’s consider this topic and analyze it:

— Electromagnetic waves — in general, and radio frequency ranges — in particular, have always existed since the creation of the World. But humanity has never seen, felt or touched them until it invented the corresponding devices.

 — Radio waves are not visible and imperceptible to us — and we are the same for them. Radio waves exist in their World, with their obstacles, their channels …

— Each range of these waves has its own properties, its own world of obstacles and channels. And for each other, they are imperceptible and are placed in the same space, absolutely not interfering with each other.

Of course, all this is so, until certain limits would be reached (limits of power, density, sensitivity, etc.). When the limits are exceeded, contact occurs, but these are very rare cases. So, after all, not everyone communicates with spirits and not every day.

Figuratively speaking, it is very difficult to explain to the mosquito larvae, living at the bottom of the pond, what air is and how those, who emerge from the larva, fly on it after larva’s death.

Maggots, = larvae of a fly, also do not know the sensation of flight. They are full and happy in a pile of shit! They do not see flies. Their task is: to eat shit, burrow into the ground and cease to exist, turning into a cocoon = chrysalis. Well, the flies, that hatched from them, already see the maggots, and their heaps of shit, and they can fly, and can already choose a place where to lay their maggots in order to continue their race.

We create, control and see the virtual world, created by us. The Virtual World, in the vast majority of cases, does not see and control us yet.

We understand the laws of the virtual World. Virtual World — don’t  understand our laws yet.

It is all about the ranges of existence, and the difference in their properties and capabilities; it means — in the existing range of limitations of perceptions and interactions. For some — the world is limited by one kind of frames, for others — by other kinds.

Therefore, what ‘s surprising is that the human soul (if it exists), after clinical death, sees and hears us — but we do not see (and hear) it ?!

(And if we assume that the soul does not exist — then who sees and hears us ??? Both us and own lifeless body — from the side ?! So, there is no one else, but the soul !!!).

Therefore, what’s surprising is in that, that the souls of the dead can see us, try to influence and communicate ?!

Therefore, what’s surprising is in that, that the God (if It exists) sees and controls us, but we do not see and control It ?!

— Some of us create a virtual World, that is useful for us, = the Internet, while others input there viruses and all the filth, that can destroy this virtual World.

Therefore, what is surprising if the God, invisible to us, (if It exists) creates our harmonious World; and the devil, invisible to us, (if it exists) inputs into our World any muck, that can destroy our World ?!

In the process of writing =NicA=, there is a strict rule: not a word without a proof. The word about God is yet to come.

Meanwhile, let’s draw the conclusions:

— Real is not only what is visible and felt (and the visible and the felt — can distort reality); but what is invisible and imperceptible, in this moment and at this point, may also be real.

 — And since relative to any visible point, the number of other, invisible points — is infinite, then the invisible and imperceptible reality is infinitely greater, relative to the visible and perceived reality.

Block 1.3,4.

Why, after all, we, so often, poorly distinguish the true real from the seeming? A mirage — is real in itself. Here it is! Yes, but the fact is that there really is no water — it only seems so.

And all because this surrounding reality, for us, as a physical living body, is just an electromagnetic signals transmitted along nerve fibers, from our sense organs to the brain, and translated by the brain into images and sensations. Our senses are imperfect.

Block 1.3,5.

          Well, what do we obtain in the terms of our human brain? The world around us — is electromagnetic signals. Sleep is — electromagnetic signals. Hallucinations are electromagnetic signals. Sensations, thinking, actions — electromagnetic signals …

Well, where, in fact, in this electromagnetism are WE ourselves? Where is this personal Self, = Our Essence, = Our consciousness <that, which is main and unchanging, identifying us in any states and dimensions>?

Maybe this is our personality? No — because a person changes with the memory loss, in a dream, under the influence of hypnosis and chemicals.

Then, maybe this is our body? No — because the body changes with the time, and with the help of a surgery, and with the physical influences …

Smart scientists would say: «This is an individual genetic code» — actually, they are going to clone people according to this postulate.

But here’s the thing: the thousand-year-old experience of mankind shows, that during the deep meditations, tremendous emotional shocks, and during the clinical death, our own Self,= our consciousness, sees its own body from the side, is aware and perceives everything that happens around it (body).

And not only that — the flow of consciousness and perceived information does not fall, but increases sharply. What happens outside the walls, in other places, in other realities — becomes accessible, and at the same time, the brain practically does not produce any electrical signals and practically does not respond to any electrical signals. And that insignificant minimal connection with the outside world, which can still remain in the body, cannot convey even a small fraction of the usual life stream of information; not to mention a sharp increase of this information flow.

In addition, in order to see your body from the side, the point of observation = perception must be outside. Not to mention the fact, that no mirrors will help to see through the walls, and move through them. And even more so — into different ranges of realities, = plans of being. (These are light spatial tunnels, and encounters with other entities, and other realities. In general, all that is known from the centuries-old generalized experience of mankind.)

Since the body remains motionless, the conclusion is clear: the point of perception, = awareness, = observation, in these cases, leaves the body and moves independently.

But what is this point <center of perception, sensation, awareness, observation and experience>? Or who locates in it? Can it be our neighbors or relatives? — Not! This is ourselves! But our body, here it is — just in front of us. Then, who sees it? Our consciousness — is the one !!!       Actually, we ourselves, personally, Our Essence, = our true Self. That, which is called in the religions — our soul , = our spirit. (The differences between soul and spirit will be explained later).

Hence the conclusion: Our Essence, = our consciousness, does not disappear outside the body and can leave it (the body); and can exist independently in surrounding realities, including those realities, that are inaccessible to our material, = physical body.

 It turns out, that the body — is just the carrier of what is called spirit, = soul, = Our Essence, = our consciousness, = our Self. And it turns out, that loss of consciousness is not its true loss, but only partial amnesia <partial loss the memory of events, taking place around our Self, in the period of time, when consciousness was allegedly lost>.

Block 1.3,6.

Our life … Our dreams … Daydreams … Visions … Exit from the body … Flying in the tunnel … All these things are quite different. And the realities are different. But everywhere we feel, sense, see, observe, experience, act somehow , or remain inactive, desire something, strive for something, plan something. In general, we perceive and live. We live our personal and unique life.

— So what are we in our core essence? Or rather: «what is the Self, = Personal Essence, = our personal consciousness»?

And what exactly the reality is ?

Based on the foregoing, we conclude, that the true Self, = personal consciousness, = Personal Essence, = spirit, = soul, is conscious observation, = feeling of oneself and surrounding reality; source of action on the surrounding reality and interactions with it. And this concept is intangible!

There are so many realities, that one can say — infinitely many; and they are all so different, one might say — infinitely different, which means that any SOMETHING — is the reality. And it is right. Mirage — it exists! Hallucination — for someone it exists … Literary hero — is also described; and in this literary work — it exists …

Another thing is that it is necessary to group and classify these realities somehow.

We will not try to embrace the immensity, but we’ll simply group and classify all realities by type, from our human point of view.

From a human point of view, all realities can be divided into three types.

First type:

Subjective, = personal reality — that which perceives the true Self, in which it lives. That is — what the true Self perceives as life realities, the constituent parts of its living space and vital activity; what it (the true Self) lives in, what it affects, according to its (true Self’s) opinion and conviction.

 Here — everyone lives in their own reality. Someone — only in a purely material aspect. And someone — in the world of spirits, and in the world of dreams …

 Second type:

Objective reality — is what society perceives = public consciousness. (The generally accepted framework in which this society lives). There can also be many such realities. It all depends on the views of society on the world. The aborigines, living in harmony with nature, have an objective reality — filled with the spirits of mountains, rivers, forests

Among the adherents of the scale of values of modern civilization, objective reality is filled with things, dollars, gold, fear …

Objective reality, as well as subjective reality, can change over the time. If the views on life, knowledge, scale of values are changed …

Third type:

— Absolute reality. It is infinite in its manifestations, because we are always on the stage of constant knowledge. And this knowledge affects changes in the perception of objective and subjective realities.

Well, now the main, shocking, revolutionary conclusion:

The most valuable, the most important thing for us is Our consciousness, = our own Self, = our soul. Because everything else is temporary, it can be changed, you can do without it and so on. And without one’s own consciousness — nothing is needed.

  Because Own Consciousness — is Own Life!

And, if the most valuable and most important thing for us — is intangible (and consciousness is intangible), then the main, basic, most valuable reality for us — is also intangible !!!

But we, in our material period of existence, don’t really guess about it and don’t really think about it.

         Block 1.3,7.

 Now, on the basis of the logical reasoning, we make the final logical conclusion, that our consciousness, first of all, is a self-awareness <feeling of ourselves as an individual, = individual personality, = subject — partially separated from surrounding realities>. And secondly — it is personal, = individual perception, analysis and awareness of all information, coming both — from outside, and arising inside consciousness itself.

Which, in turn, leads to radiation <emission of personal feelings, desires and information> — into the surrounding reality. That, just by their appearance and presence, leads to changes in the environment. (In the last resort — new information has appeared. So, action and work have been done!) And it turns out, that the consciousness, = spirit, — is the source of feelings, desires and action. And the body is the material carrier of our non-material spirit, = our true Self; and it’s an instrument of influence and contact, as well as an instrument of visualization of «visible perception» and individualization of the immaterial spirit in the material world. (Just like — for the contact and influence on the Internet < the virtual world> — we need a computer, and for visualization — a computer image). Body — materializes the intangible signals of the spirit.

But by the “physicalisating”, “chemicalizating”, “mechanizing” of signals of the spirit — the body drowns out something in them … What for? And this is another question, which we will consider a little later.

Section 1.4. Intangible concepts (IC).

Block 1.4,1.

So, consciousness, = spirit — operate with such concepts as feeling, desire, information.

And are they (these concepts) — material? Let’s consider.

 — For the beginning — Let’s separate the information itself from its carriers and transmitters, which, of course, may be material, also.

— Well, is the information itself — material? Let’s think …

The abstraction — no borders, no shape, no weight, no color, no smell, no strength, no interaction. How can it be material ?!

The conclusion — information is intangible, but its carriers and transmitters may be material.

 We can think and analyze in different ways about — what is the essence, = quintessence, = generalized formulation of the concept of information

But the conclusion is always the same: information is a set of distinctive features, something, expressed with intangible symbols,=images.

Being intangible, information has in itself both quantitative and qualitative differences. That is, information is an intangible quantitative-qualitative concept. In abbreviated form — IQC. In the original in Russian — нематериальное количественно-качественное понятие. (НКП)

Block 1.4,2.

Is the feeling — material?

— In any case, this «thing», = something, is more structured and limited than abstract information. And the feeling itself already contains an information. (At least — about its existence and difference from other feelings).

 But first, let’s separate the feeling of its materialized concept — the sensation. After all, if we separate all the accompanying sensations of a certain individual, = person, from a feeling of love, then love — will still remain love. And the hatred — still remain hatred. Simply, the sensations — are the feelings, transformed into an understandable (perceived) range for our physical body. (Range of biochemical and electromagnetic oscillations). In the same way, as the range of fluctuations of radio waves, that we do not perceive, is transformed by the radio receiver into the range of sound vibrations, perceived by us.

 And it turns out, that the feeling itself (due to its certain structure and limitation), although is closer to the matter, than abstract information, nevertheless, is not the matter, according to the modern concepts.

But this is no longer just IQC (intangible quantitative-qualitative concept), because, except the quantity and quality, feelings are also divided in their strength. One and the same feeling — can be stronger or weaker by its power.

Therefore, feeling — is an intangible quantitative-qualitative power concept (IQPC). In the original in Russian — нематериальное количественно-качественное силовое понятие (НКСП). And where is the force,=power — there energy is certainly exist!!! …

Desire,=aspiration, is also — a feeling.

Block 1.4,3.

         The fact that consciousness,=the spirit — is an intangible concept, we have already found out.

 So, is the spirit = consciousness — an intangible quantitative-qualitative concept (IQC)? Of course — yes! (At the same time, we take into account that there are a lot of consciousnesses, and they differ in quality: there are good and there are evil …)

Is it possible to consider the spirit as an intangible quantitative-qualitative force concept (IQFC)? Well, of course, yes! After all, they even say: «Strength of spirit.» (Of course, different consciousnesses, = spirits, differ in their strength). But the spirit,=consciousness, is also the source,=the radiator — of the

 feelings, desires, information … Well, if the spirit radiates, it means — it adds, changes, builds, transforms. In other words — it creates!

So, about the spirit, we can say, that the spirit is — an intangible quantitative and qualitative force creating concept (IQFCC).

 But we’ll talk about the spirit later.

In the meantime, a clear and rather interesting system of transformations looms: from an absolutely abstract, to a more structured, strong, creative …

Block 1.4,4.

And it is right. Because, before something more complex appears, less complicated components,=details must appear first.

 And in general — before something appears — an idea,=sketch,=image should appear, (symbols-images of information about the plan).

 Because with these symbols-images of information — IT (conceived) differs from NOTHING and from others SOMETHING. And these are —  intangible concepts (IC).

Therefore, the most absolutely initial principle — must be intangible. This is definitely so !!!

And «scientific materialists» cannot but admit this. (Unless, of course, they are not absolutely «stubborn»).

 Well, since there are a lot of non-material concepts, and in our universe, according to the logic of things, they should be initial <to be before the beginning of physical concepts>, then we will conditionally divide tangible and intangible concepts,=things — into the ranges. (According to the principle of separation of the electromagnetic waves — into the ranges).

 All the intangible concepts: information, feeling, spirit, soul — is the IC-range (range of intangible concepts).

And all the material concepts: matter, field, energy (in its modern sense) is the MP-range (material-physical range).

Block 1.4,5.

            Is there an evidence in ordinary human life, that intangible concepts (IC) are perceived by our consciousness? There is — snoring! Why don’t a human hear its own snoring ???

Well, when the person sleeps soundly, it does not hear anyone else. But it often happens, that a person is as if dozing. Because the situation does not allow to sleep, but tiredness takes its toll. It seems to a person, that it is not sleeping. It hears what people around are talking about, what the radio or television is talking about, or it hears that there is silence around … And suddenly, somebody pushes this person into the hip and says: «Do not snore!» How is it? How can this be explained?

And the explanation is as follows:

          — because of tiredness, the consciousness is disconnected from the body, but internal self-control does not allow consciousness to switch completely to another reality — to fall asleep. And consciousness, as it were, “hangs” between two realities. And what is the snoring? This is the vibration of the body organs and the sound vibration. (The material vibrations of material bodies, transmitted through the material carriers, = conductors). And the intangible consciousness has already disconnected from the material body by “exiting” from the material reality. So, how the intangible consciousness can perceive the tangible vibrations? The consciousness — simply have nothing to perceive it. It (consciousness) has no material ears. For it (consciousness) — sound vibrations are — as radio waves for us. And it (consciousness) has already been disconnected from the body — of a “peculiar radio receiver”, by a “peculiar exit”. Then why does consciousness hear the speech ???

  Because the speech — is not only a sound vibration. Sound vibrations —  are just a carrier. And the main component of speech, its essence, meaning, purpose — is the information. Transfer and exchange of information. And information — is an intangible concept. The basic origin of information, also, is an intangible concept — spirit! And the mind perceives intangible concepts (IC) , because it (the mind) is a — IC (intangible concept) by itself. That means, that our consciousness, = our true Self — perceive the information, but not the sounds !!! And since the infinity is identical to a point, the distance does not play a role in the direct exchange of information in the IC range. But on the other hand, the “dozing consciousness” and even the “sleeping consciousness” still retain a significant connection with the physical carrier-body. And what about our physical range? There are the physical laws of this range. And according to these laws — distance plays a role, walls are not permeable to the body and vision, and almost impermeable to the sound waves …

— There are vital things for our body, but there are less important and unimportant at all. That is why the «dozed consciousness», being partly in two realities at once, and partly obeying their laws, still perceives essential, saturated, so-called «massive» symbols-blocks of information. (Such as speech, sounds of an alarm clock, unexpected sharp sounds that carry suspense and possible danger …) And it does not perceive blocks, that are unimportant, unsaturated, almost without any “useful” information (snoring, monotonous sounds, sharp but ordinary sounds, which have been studied long ago …). And again — it reacts to an unexpected, potentially dangerous, ominous silence. It’s like in a system with digital transmission of video information: the lower is the “resolution” of the system (and when you fall asleep the “resolution” of your consciousness system — definitely decreases), the less small minor details are displayed in the general video picture. (In our case, our own snoring — is just such a small insignificant detail in the general information picture of the surrounding reality.)

— Another thing is, when the consciousness completely leaves the body and completely (or almost completely, not counting some insignificant percentage of the remaining connection) disconnects from the body; and moving to a fundamentally different level of perception of information, it begins to fully perceive IC (intangible concepts): information, feelings, desires … And then, when the body is seen,=observed by the consciousness from the outside, then, if the body snores — the consciousness “hears” it immediately; which was not happening when consciousness was just trying to leave the body. (And this is confirmed both by the multiple experiences of meditation and the people, who have the experience of clinical death, and also by the personal experience of the author.) When the mind was just trying to leave the body and was partially obedient to the earthly physical laws <laws of the MF (material-physical) range>, then the consciousness could not see its carrier — body. But when the consciousness was separated from the body, then it saw own body and “heard” its snoring,  the walls ceased to be a barrier, and the distances — became conditional. Because the physical, = material concept of the distance is a derivative of the conditional concept of the size. In the IC range distances are perceived differently.

 But — not all at once. Not about that yet …

Section 1.5.

Universality of absolute symbols-images of information.

         Block 1.5,1.

And now, we’ll talk about how all of us, so different — live so harmoniously in our One World. Indeed, in principle, every creature sees Our World in different ways, each in its own way. Each, in principle, has its own light. The bee, that sees in the ultraviolet range — has its own. The bat, that sees in the ultrasound range — has its own. The human, which sees in the optical range — has its own. The snake, which sees in the infrared — has its own. Well, what about the mole? The blind mole ?! Do you think, that it is a product of darkness, evil? Not?! So, the mole — also has its own light. It means that everyone, also, has their own darkness.

Block 1.5,2.

         How all this “discrepancies” can be united into a single working system?

Let’s make an analysis:

 — If we’ll remove all the intermediate material conductors-links-carriers, such as languages (including speaking , and writing, and language thinking), sounds, light emission, and so on — it turns out, that  consciousness can perceive the information — only as the symbols-images and as the feelings-emotions, (including the desires,=aspirations).

 That is — any tangible information symbol, in the IC-range (range of intangible concepts), is an intangible symbol-image.

Block 1.5,3.

   Let’s look now at the few objects-symbols, for example: a stone on the side of the road, a flower, a TV, a forest.

And let’s analyze figuratively-conditionally, how would respond to these  objects, for example: a forest lizard, a bee, a wolf, and a human.

The forest lizard would “think”, = understand, = consider, that it is possible to hide under the stone, and on the stone — it is possible to bask in the sun. The flower is, in principle — a useless thing. A TV — is something like a stone. Well, the forest — there is a lot of everything in it; this is the place of its (lizards) life, this is its World — in all its manifestations.

The bee — would not pay any attention to the stone or to the TV, unless it “thinks”, that they are suitable to sit and rest … The flower — is the most important, a source of food, energy. And the forest — is the place, where are the flowers in the meadow, a hollow, where the whole swarm lives, the motherland, the home … But there is more food in the gardens and meadows.

The wolf — would sniff the stone, put a mark on it. For the wolf, this stone — is the territorial boundary pillar. And the TV — is something solid, but inexplicable. The flowers, if there are a lot of them — are suitable for ambush on hares. And sniffing it, it’s better to be careful, so that the bee may bite the nose.

The human — would receive a lot of information from each of these items. But — an aborigine, a forester, a TV repairman, a Russian botanist and a French geologist — would receive a slightly different stream of information from all of these objects. Rather, each of these objects-symbols would cause them slightly different streams of symbols-images and associations, conclusions and desires. (Because their knowledge bases, their professions and their intelligence — are different).  And each of them would convert,=translate,=encrypt the entire stream of this symbols-images — into its speech language. Some — into Russian, some — into French …

 But, the original symbols-images — remain the same !!!

Block 1.5,4.

         Based on the performed analysis, we draw the conclusions.

The first conclusion:

In the IC-range (for the «liberated» consciousness), the language barrier, and all other barriers of misunderstanding, disappear, since the original information symbols-images are the same for everyone. (Just everyone, from everything, takes as much information as he/she needs and how much his/her personal level of development allows).

 And therefore — deceiving in the IC-range (for example, deceiving the God) — would not work; because there is present all the information of all acts, ideas and plans; there — is the «bare truth», an open essence!

The second conclusion:

 — Symbols-images — just like any matter, object, system, design — can be decomposed into smaller, more elementary components; up to elementary image symbols, (by the type of elementary particles).

The third conclusion:

— Since the number of images and senses in the World is so great, that it can be considered — endless; then, limitations in perception play a role, so to speak, of a «protective valve»,=a «protective mechanism». (In order for consciousness not to be lost in the «endless ocean» of information, not to «burn out» from an excessively powerful stream of feelings and sensations).

The fourth conclusion:

— Highly developed communities of consciousnesses (such as human ones), in order to be able to describe and understand the whole unlimited quantity of images of information and senses, have created universal sets of concepts-images; which operate on the principle of approximate analogies. (That is, the maximum similarity of what actually exists — to what can be explained, shown, understood, portrayed, drawn, by the existing universal set of concepts-images.) In the material range, these are the universal sets of concepts-symbols, called — languages (including speech and writing). But the quality and capabilities of the description itself, its correctness and proximity to the truth, directly depend on the level of development and capabilities of the language itself. Cosmic technologies cannot be described In the languages of the aborigines. Therefore, with the development of knowledge, languages also develop. New words, concepts, symbols and principles of construction are introduced.             Therefore, it is correct and logical, that languages, which do not meet the requirements of the time and lag behind these requirements, either die off or face the modification.

Section 1.6.

An endless series of feelings. (Information. Feelings. Energy.)

 Block 1.6,1.

 To understand what are the feelings , let’s consider the question — which could be the feelings and what is the difference, or connection, between feelings and emotions. Such feelings-emotions as love, hate, anger, joy, yearning, happiness — we all know. We feel both their presence and absence. Well, now let’s recall and feel and sense again those our feelings, that we experienced once on the seashore …, in the field …, in the mountains …, in the forest …, in childhood … , at school …, at various key points in our lives …  These feelings are slightly different than the above feelings-emotions (love, hatred, etc.). Emotions can be present and complement those feelings — but only … Not more … But the very feelings of a state of mind — are different; so to speak — more fundamental, deeper, more energy-intensive …  We can add to the above, that: — animals also feel …, plants feel …; and each — has its own feelings. But can we say once, that this feeling is the last, and there can be no other, even a little different? Of course not!

         So we conclude:

The series of feelings itself — are infinite (that is, the number of feelings —  is infinite). And emotions, in this series, make up a range. Let’s call it the emotional range. (This is, like an optical visible light range, in an endless series of electromagnetic radiation). You will realize soon what we are leading to. In the meantime, we remind you, that each range — has its own properties. (That is, properties — that may not exist in other ranges). But even in the same range, the properties of different feelings (and feelings-states and feelings-emotions) can differ much from each other.

(As in the optical range, the properties of white light are significantly different from the properties of red). The same is here — the feeling-emotion of love is very different from the feeling-emotion of hate. But there is one thing in common — the range. (Both, love and hate, belong to the same emotional range). No wonder they say: «from love to hate — just one step.»

         So, for the question — what are the feelings — we give the answer, based on the results of the review:

Feelings — are a distinctive, various <different in essence> stable states of consciousness,=spirit, which can be repeated, or not repeated — an unlimited number of times. Feelings do not have mandatory time limits, and lasts as long, as needed.

Block 1.6,2.

And what is the desire = aspiration? In some ways — this is also a feeling. After all, we feel it. But there is some difference. And it is essential: — all feelings can exist (and do exist) by themselves <autonomous>; but the desire, = aspiration — cannot exist in itself <autonomous> ; (It is only possible to desire specifically for something, and to aspire specifically for something).

 — The feeling itself (its strength) — can increase and decrease, but at the same time, so to speak, «do nothing»; that means, do not “move”, “do not change coordinates”, do not actively act on anything. But the desire,= aspiration — gives an activity to the feeling, is a driving factor. Encourages to act, counteract, interact.

That means, thedesire,=aspiration — turns a stable (apart from an internal change of force) potential feeling with constant coordinates,  — into a kinetic, mobile, dynamic feeling with variable coordinates; or induces active resistance in changing these coordinates; or active interaction with other feelings.

 Now we draw conclusions.

 The first conclusion:

          — The desire, = aspiration, is an integral part of various feelings, giving them (feelings) mobile properties and vectors of direction of influence on the surrounding reality.

 The second conclusion:

          — The power of feeling and the power of desire-aspiration — are also components of feeling.

  The third conclusion:

          — The real (whole) feeling consists of sensory-emotional <sensory> self-awareness, — consciousness,= spirit; (including the power of this self-awareness; and including, or excluding — desires,= aspirations of various directions). A mandatory related component of any feeling is — the information.

Block 1.6,3.

        This is an interesting concept — the information. It arises immediately with the appearance of something. Figuratively speaking — with the slightest first rustle, feeling, sensation; with the slightest hint of them — the information appears.

 And the further, the more it (the information) becomes more voluminous, more diverse, more powerful … All this is expanding like a «snowball».

 And the most interesting thing is, that any information, that once arises becomes indestructible !!! (because — what to destroy? How? And by what?) Just do not confuse the information itself with information carriers, its sources and receivers. This can be destroyed. But not the information itself. It is intangible. Neither weight, nor shape, nor size, nor specific location …

Moreover — when trying to destroy the information — the opposite effect arises. Appears a new additional information about: who, how, where, when, why tried to destroy such kind of information.

Theoretically — information may disappear. But — only with the whole Universe at once. Another thing is — how to find the information you need, without being an absolute spirit, who just knows everything ?! (It knows, because the spirit itself — is an intangible concept. And the intangible concept of information — is its (spirit’s) integral part).

Block 1.6,4.

       There is  an interesting situation in modern (XX — early XXI century) science with the concept of the word <term-word> energy.

 In the encyclopedia, the word energy is characterized, = interpreted, = explained, as a general quantitative measure of the various forms of motion of matter.

That means, that energy — is the same quantitative measure, as a measure of length, a measure of weight, a measure of volume. Like a meter, gram, liter. And not an object, a thing, a part.

 But since modern science does not provide a concrete intelligible answer to the question — why, in fact, everything in the World moves — then, proceeding from the principle “nature abhors the vacuum” — energy turned in our consciousness and understanding from the usual quantitative measure (by the type of measures of length, volume, weight ), into an independent substance; into an independent and equal subject of activity, into an independent “subject” which makes, and under the influence of which, all this movement takes place.

But such meaning — is false and it distorts the reality. Because the measure of the quantity of movement cannot be the cause of the movement itself. (Just like — a kilogram cannot be a cause of gravity, and a liter and a meter cannot be a cause of depth!)

This distortion causes a great difficulty in the attempts of science — to move to a higher level.

 And therefore, the law of conservation of energy, which states that «energy in nature does not arise from nothing and does not disappear; it can only transform from one form into another» — this law is formulated incorrectly. (Because the law itself works: something really does not arise from nothing, does not disappear, but only passes from one form to another …)

 But, how the energy, which is a general quantitative measure, relates to this?

How can a quantitative measure move from one form to another? (From kilometers to liters, or from liters to kilograms?)

 Another thing is, that within this general quantitative measure, the units of what this measure determines — may vary. In this particular case, the units of measurement of various forms of movement and the work, done in this process — may vary and «pass one into another».

 But the general quantitative measure itself, as a concept, anyway, cannot transform from one form into another. Even despite the fact that, as the encyclopedia says: “The concept of energy ties together all natural phenomena ” — it cannot transform, because a general quantitative measure (that is — a set of units of measure) — is one thing; and the transformation from one form into another -is a different thing. And some other thing transforms from one form into another — but not the general quantitative measure.

 And in these various concepts, mistakenly combined into a single concept of energy — one more element is obviously missing.

Therefore, we conclude, that in the modern concept of energy, two absolutely incompatible concepts are combined together: the first — is a general quantitative measure, that is not an independent substance and cannot transform from one form to another (as a measure of length — cannot transform into a measure of weight); and the second concept, which is an independent substance, but therefore cannot be a quantitative measure, because all the time it transforms from one state to another.

Here is the right place to recall the army joke, when the commander says to the soldiers: «Soldiers! Today we will connect the space and the time! You will dig a trench. From the fence until the evening!»

 In this book we will also consider and learn about both — time and space

And now we will look for this mysterious independent «energy» substance, which, without arising from nothing and not disappearing, all the time transforms from one state to another, while doing work, that can be measured by a measure of energy.

Block 1.6,5.

 The law of conservation of energy —  is the basis, the foundation of foundations. Therefore, we will search on the very basis and at the very beginning.

And as we have already proved, the absolute beginning of the whole Universe — have to be intangible. Therefore, we will start our search, in the IC-range, (the range of intangible concepts) too. The choice here is small: information, spirit, images, feelings. Let’s begin the analysis in this order.

 Does the information meet the requirements? Let’s look:

 — The information arises, accompanying something. And it does not transform from one form to another, but constantly accumulates. So, the information — does not meet the requirements.

 — The spirit, = consciousness moving through the realities, remains itself, so to speak, «in one form.» Does not meet the requirements. But, on the other hand, the spirit, moving through realities, does the work, which, in principle, can be measured. Therefore, we conclude — that the spirit meets the requirements partially.

The images. Drawn,= created by the spirit,= consciousness. They can arise and can disappear, remaining in the information. They may transform from form to form, but may also not to transform. No obligation. They do not meet our requirements. But, it should be noted, that the spirit is doing a certain job, when it creates the images. Drawing images, it feels them; and draws them using the feelings and using the information. (Because of the simple reason, that it is nothing more to draw,=create of.)

 — The feelings. Feelings arise and disappear. Or, as people say about very vivid feelings-emotions — they inflames, light up, or extinguish and fade out. But can the feeling disappear, before another feeling appears?

After all, feeling is the self-awareness of the spirit,= consciousness. And if the spirit,=consciousness, would totally cease of sensing itself, even for a moment, then all possible realities — would disappear, completely and immediately. Because the spirit is absent in other realities, and in this (conditional) reality — it has disappeared.

  And we had already said, that an intangible origin — is primary; and that the spirit — creates in this origin. Therefore, the primary reality — was created by the spirit. For the simple reason, that it is no one else to create in the intangible plane,=NP-range. (Well, how the was created the spirit itself — will be explained and proved in the second part of the book.)

— Therefore, firstly we conclude, that with the complete and absolute disappearance of the spirit, the last reality also disappears. And if there is no reality — there is nothing! This is the absolute end <absolute death, NOTHING>. And the emergence of a new feeling,=self-awareness — is the emergence of a New World <New Being, not related to the old one in any way>.

And therefore: self-awareness of the spirit — is continuous. (And why should it (self-awareness) interrupt ?!)

And therefore, the old feeling cannot disappear, before the new one appears. Feeling — or transforms one into another (for example: transforms from a form of hatred to a form of love); or, on this continuous «tape of self-awareness» <tape of life>, as it «on the side», another feeling of self-awareness appears; and then, between the feeling of hatred and the feeling of love, there may be a gap, which is filled with the third «transitional» feeling. But all the same, the obligatory continuity of transitions, substitutions, and transformations — is evident here. According to this parameter, the feeling is ideally suited for the required object (for which we are looking for).

Secondly: the feeling does not arise from nothing — it arises from the spirit, always been a part of it. (And with this parameter — everything is also in order).

The types = forms of feelings are different. Different are their ranges. Of course, the properties — are different. (There are positive feelings, there are negative feelings. There are destructive feelings, there are creative feelings. And there are feelings of a completely different kind).

For the better understanding — imagine, sense the feeling of a stone … After all, they say: «Stone on the heart.» And now imagine — a slight feeling of fluff … When they say: «Like a fluff.» Now imagine and feel the fire in your heart. A good fire — gracious … Imagine and feel that this fire brakes out of your eyes, of your hands, of your heart … Imagine and feel the voltage … Feel the explosion … An explosion, that brings goodness and joy …

You see now, how different the feelings and their ranges are. One can distinguish both — the fiery range of feelings and the electric one … But — all feelings, appearing and disappearing, increasing and decreasing, passing from one to another, and interacting with each other — all feelings, rising and fading — vibrates. All feelings, changing over time — are doing the work, that can be measured by a measure of energy.

Therefore, the feelings — are ideal for the role of the substance, that we are looking for.

Therefore, we draw the revolutionary conclusions, that the energy, in its essence (so far, the intangible primary energy, the primary non-material origin,= IC-range) is — a vibrating feeling.

And the strength of the feeling itself, including the power of desire = aspiration — already could be measured by a quantitative indicators, united in a general quantitative measure (also called — the energy).

And the law of conservation of energy, in essence, is the law of conservation of life and its continuity. Life can pass from one form to another, but cannot completely disappear. Because the «tape of feelings» — is continuous.

 And it is right. Because feelings are the main component of the spirit, its (spirit’s) form of self-awareness and manifestation. Spirit creates with its own feelings and with the help of its own energies,= feelings!

 Our conclusions do not contradict anything, but explain a lot. And how the «subtle» energy of the senses of the IC-range — turns into the «gross» physical energy of our MP-range — will be explained later.

And now we can conclude: the Creator and source of everything — is the Spirit! So, the Beginning of the World,= the Universe, was not only intangible, but also spiritual, conscious.

— It turns out, that we, and everything around us — are the fruit of the spiritual-conscious creation of the First-born, = Primary, = Universal, = Absolute Spirit, made of the energy-vibrations of Its own feelings. And that means that — we, and all that is around — is Its integral part.

Section 1.7.

The Vibrations and The World.

         Note. This section is very complex, difficult to understand, because we put the Universe — to a point. Therefore, do not rush while reading. Think about it. Be aware.

 Block 1.7,1

         Let’s agree at once: the vibration, oscillation and the wave — are, in principle, one and the same thing — the motion. This is any motion that has at least some curvature of the direction, or recurrence. That means — all possible types of motion, except for absolutely constant, absolutely rectilinear, with absolutely identical speed and absolutely infinite time of movement — simultaneously; which, in Our World, is practically impossible. (And if, in principle, it is possible, then certainly — we, as humanity, at this stage of development — do not need it.)

 Therefore, the concepts: vibration, oscillation, wave, and motion will be used in consonance (for the beauty and harmony of phrases). Because, in our traditional understanding: a wave — is something calmer than vibration; and motion — is something relatively long in a relatively one direction. And the oscillation — can be of a different type.

— And indeed: there may be a slight super-slow oscillation, one oscillation for a several billion years … Maybe? Well, why not ?! (And we don’t have enough instruments, knowledge or patience to distinguish this oscillation from something perfectly straight, perfectly motionless substance, and we simply cannot fix such an oscillation).

 — And there can be a few billion vibrations per second … Feel the stiffness … That’s a Matter!

 — The fact, that different vibrations have different properties — we know from the life practice … So, we conclude:

— The number of different vibrations In the World — is infinite; and of course, infinite is the number of their ranges and properties.

Block 1.7,2.

         Many of you have probably heard or read the phrase: «The world is woven of vibrations.» And it is right!

 And from what else Our World have to be weaved ??? At the origin of everything — is the Spirit. (We have already made such a logical conclusion before). But the Spirit has no material hands, no material sewing machine …

But the Spirit has an intangible feelings, information, images; desires (the aspirations).

  And the vibration of feelings, as already mentioned, is inherently — an energy.

 And the energy — is everything! And here is the evidence for you:

 — Elementary material particles have a wave properties; that means, that an elementary material particle, essentially — is the vibration !!! (And this is indisputably proved by science).

— And our entire Material World consists of the elementary material particles — !!! (This is also proved by the science).

  — And atoms are the stable vibrostructures,= vibrosystems consisting of smaller elementary vibrostructures. Well, and so on …

Block 1.7,3.

    We have already proved that infinity is identical to a point. And the size and, accordingly, the distance and speed are purely nominal and relative concepts. And that means — the Universe can fit in a point.

 — And do the Spirit possess enough quantity of different vibrations to build the Universe at a point?” After all, it is impossible to recur, because the recurrence would merge together. At a point you cannot push them apart, you cannot separate them.

— To understand clearly how the Universe can fit in a point, write zero, put a comma and start writing after zero with a comma, series of different numbers … For example: 0.923785643254 … And so on, to infinity … Kilometers of small numbers … Billions of kilometers small numbers …

 — And any number in this series can be changed to another; and the whole series, even with a change of one single digit, would change its meaning. That means, it will be different from other series. And any digit of any series, taken as an independent substance, as a unit, could also be decomposed into decimal fractions; that is, again, to the infinity of numbers and series. (Figuratively and voluminously, these are the same endless series of numbers, from each digit, but in different vector directions.) And all this is — the information.

— And the information is not measured by the volume. So infinity at a point — is quite natural.

  — And each digit, each set of digits, has its own unique vibration.

 — And now let’s superimpose all this on the endless series of different vibrating feelings and images … And let’s superimpose them on infinitely different, voluminous forms,=patterns of the vibrations … (Without forgetting, that the volume — is a conditional and relative value).

So we can say confidently, that in order to build the Universe at a point, the Spirit always has enough of everything, and there are always inexhaustible opportunities for further construction. Because the information is growing like a snowball; and the possibilities for building new «sensory-digital series» expands more and more.

Block 1.7,4.

Now let’s analyze — why all vibrations are necessarily voluminous and into which groups they can be divided.

 — In our real world, in general, all vibrations have a certain volume and act, =occur in a certain volume.

Only from the pen of the recorder of the oscilloscope — an absolutely flat curved line comes out. (But even there it is flat — purely arbitrary. Ink still has some thickness). Let’s draw a flat, curved line in our imagination. And make, mentally, a cross section. Yes, of course, this section can be arbitrarily thin, tending to zero … But if there is no section at all, then there is no vibration at all. Only the information can be absolutely  volumeless flat vibration. And in any reality, any flatness is arbitrary. (We just look at one side — flat; we are not interested in the rest, although this flatness still has a volume.)

The conclusion: — All real vibrations are voluminous. (That means, they capture a certain volume and act in a certain volume.)

Now let’s consider what major groups and ranges all of the voluminous vibrations can be divided into:

 — Voluminous vibrations can be linear, that means, they move in their own directions,=vectors, regardless of the other vibrations. For example: flight of an airplane, or circles on water from an thrown stone.

But the vast majority of real vibrations — are nonlinear. That means, they are dependent on other vibrations and forced to repeat their fluctuations too. For example: a ship is floating on the waves, and a drunk boatswain is walking along its deck, tossing his chronometer in his hands (a high-precision watch). So, the pendulum in the clock, in addition to its own oscillations, is also forced to repeat the oscillations of the tossing, the oscillations of the boatswain’s drunken gait, the oscillations of the ship along the waves. And at the same time it is also forced to move in a relatively straight, relative to the linear oscillation of the ship. Why is it “relatively linear” (meaning — relatively independent?) Because, while moving, the ship not only overcomes, rocking, the resistance of waves, currents and winds; it also moves around the Sun, in a relatively linear motion of the Earth. And why again, «relatively linear»? Because the Sun, with its planetary system, moves relative to the center of Our Galaxy. And all galaxies, in turn, are moving relative to the Center of the Absolute Beginning of Our Material Physical Range; relative to the point, that scientists conventionally call «the beginning,=the center of the Big Bang.»

So, all the vibrating substances of our MP range (material physical range), from elementary particles, atoms and objects created of them (stones, chairs, animal bodies …) to stellar systems — all these, in principle, are voluminous nonlinear vibrations,= vibration structures (VNV). But these VNV themselves, under the influence of certain forces, can make conditionally linear, independent oscillations,=movements, according to conditionally independent vectors; with conditionally independent frequency.

 In practice — this is the motion of transport, fluid flow, wind, carousel, centrifuge, rotation of the electromagnetic field, biorhythms of our body, rotation of the Earth around the Sun, etc.

For further more detailed consideration, all these conditionally linear oscillations with conditionally independent frequencies — will be called “Carrier Waves” (abbreviated as “CW”).

 To summarize the first result:

 — All real voluminous vibrations are divided into non-linear and conditionally linear, called «Carrier Waves».

 In fact, matter is stable, complex, voluminous nonlinear vibrations =vibration structures; each component of which has its own set of properties. These sets of properties determine the properties of the whole object, (both internal and external properties).

“Carrier Waves” act on voluminous nonlinear vibrostructures that have been caught by them, by an independent vector or motion vectors, directions of the forces and frequency changes of the “Carrier Wave” itself, forcibly imposing these parameters under their influence on nonlinear vibration systems,=vibrostructures. And the results of this imposition — depend on specific conditions and circumstances.

It all depends on the power and magnitude of the “Carrier Wave” towards to the magnitude and power of the nonlinear vibrosystem,=vibrostructure that is being influenced; and also on the vital importance of these parameters for a nonlinear vibration system.

For example: no matter what you do, you will still be in the “Carrier Waves” of the planet Earth (“CW” of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun and “CW” of the Earth rotation around its axis). But the «Carrier Wave» of a flying brick, itself, does not mean anything. But (in vital importance) it would mean a lot, if your trajectories would intersect …

And if the «Carrier Wave» begins to diverge from the center of the object in concentric circles — then this, with sufficient power — will be an explosion. And if the “Carrier Wave” converges in concentric circles to the center — it will be the compression.

Well, you already understood, that the global «Carrier Wave» may contain smaller «Carrier Waves». If, figuratively — this is like a flow of huge river — there are some independent flows, with different speeds. And in these flows — there are their own whirlpools. And in those whirlpools — their own whirlpools …

Thus we conclude, that all the «Carrier Waves» together represent an absolute (global, all-encompassing, complex) system of volume linear oscillations, in short — ASVLO (Absolute System of Volumetric Linear Oscillations).

Linear vibrations and their systems are not objects (like volumetric nonlinear vibrostructures with a certain stability), but vectors of displacements, changes and interactions of these objects <volumetric nonlinear stable vibrostructures>.

We already know, that in a more global “Carrier Wave” there are, and may occur, less global “Carrier Waves”.

But it’s still worth emphasizing, that sometimes, with sufficient capacities and suitable conditions, smaller “Carrier Waves” have a greater effect on the subject, than global ones. (In practice, we can see it, for example, when a small current appears in a large river against the mainstream, and a «paper boat» gets into it … Or, for example, when a plane flies in opposite vector to the rotation of the Earth at such speed, that its position always corresponds to the «Sun in zenith «, and therefore on  board is always 12 noon — and no night.) Here is another important point: all such «whirlpools» inside of the «mainstream» have a more particular meaning; that means, they act in a more limited volume and on a more limited number of objects. In contrast to the «main stream», which operates much more global. So, conditionally-linear vibrations <«Carrier Waves»> can be divided into globality ranges (the magnitude of the spatial volume of the impact) and the ranges of the magnitude of the force impact on the object.

— With the ranges of globality, everything is generally clear: for example, the Carrier Wave of the Solar System, the Carrier Wave of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun, the Carrier Wave of the Earth’s rotation around its axis, the Carrier Wave of a flying airplane, the Carrier Wave of the «flying brick” …

 — And how to divide by ranges — the magnitude of the force impact on the object? Simply — according to force impact! And in this division,“Carrier Waves” of the smaller globality can have a more tangible effect on the object. (Recall the example with a brick …)

 Volume nonlinear vibrations (VNV), in general, can also be divided according to the ranges of globality: galaxies, stars, planets, matches … And according to the ranges of magnitude of the force impact on each other … But this is irrelevant, because all volume nonlinear vibrosystems (possessing a certain stability over time) in our material world — are material objects. And they have been «divided-classified» by our classical science long ago.

Much more relevant is to divide volume nonlinear vibrations into the ranges of Being of the <Absolute Universe>. We already know two of them: this is an intangible IC-range (a range of intangible concepts), and a material MP-range (material-physical range).

We also will say briefly, that all oscillatory systems can be divided on stable and unstable, specific (with clear boundaries), non-specific (with blurred boundaries) and generally abstract (this and that, and “God knows what”).

 All oscillatory systems are: resonant, resonating, mutually inert, mutually extinguishing, mutually exciting, logical, illogical, harmonious, inharmonious, mutually penetrating, mutually repulsive, mutually attractive; creative and destructive, useful and harmful, and many other differences …

  — All the infinities of World vibrations, all ranges and all types, we will unite into the Absolute World Volumetric Oscillation System (AWVOS).

 And since the Spirit is primary and is the source of these fluctuations, it means, that will be precisely and correctly: the AWVOS-Spirit.

  — And we will divide the AWVOS-Spirit into Absolute Complex Volumetric Oscillating Systems of the ranges, in abbreviated form: ACVOS range.

— And we will succeed: ACVOS IC-range and ACVOS MP-range — together makes up already known to us components of AWVOS-Spirit.

Block 1.7,5.

Now let’s think:

 — How can we find the required object in ACVOS?

— Very simple. Since there is an object and there is a global network,= system of “Carrier Waves” (in abbreviated form — ASVLO ), that means, there are also coordinates of this object in the system of “Carrier Waves”.

And what is “object coordinates” in an infinite variety of vibrations at a point? This is its own, one and only, set of all vibrations of the object itself. And since, in this case we are not interested in an individual stable set of nonlinear volumetric vibrations, (because this set — is the object itself); then, there remains only an individual set of Linear vibrations, <«Carrier Waves»>. Ufologists called such an individual set of “CW” (“Carrier Waves”) of the objects the “Own Cosmic Frequency” (abbreviated as OCF) of the object.

 The name is suitable, so let’s use it.

 — So — every point, every object, every system, from a microparticle to a galaxy — has its own OCF.

— Now, from what we already know, we conclude that, firstly, the OCF (Own Cosmic Frequency) of an object consists of stable and mobile indicators.

 — For example: a car, moving — is always situated on planet Earth (stable indicator), but all the time — at a different points on it (planet)mobile indicator.

— Secondly — since the car, and the planet Earth, and the Solar system, and so on — have their own OCF; as well as: all spare parts of the car, and all parts of the Earth, and all parts of the Solar system, etc. — also have their own OCF; then, OCF — is the complex concept, which comprising many ranges-levels, and many points at each level.

 — That means, that Own Cosmic Frequency (OCF) — is a volume-coordinate concept.

Figuratively, this can be explained as follows:

— OCF, is like “nesting doll” — inside each larger nesting doll, there are smaller nesting dolls ..; and, conditionally taken, a certain space is completely littered with such dolls; and all this space with nesting dolls is also «located in a larger nesting doll».

— All of these “ nesting dolls”, representing, in our figuratively illustrative example, are the ranges-levels of classifications of OCF; we will call them — “D-levels”.        

Let’s analyze the topic further:

          — D-levels of the OCF are divided by globality, <the size of the covered space>. And they depend on the size and characteristics of the covered object.

  For example: the first D-level of the MP-range — is the coordinates on the scale of the sector of the Universe. The second D-level -is the coordinates on a Galactic scale. The third D-level — is the coordinates on the scale of the stellar system, or star; the fourth D-level is the coordinates on a planetary scale; the fifth D-level — is the coordinates on the scale of the planet sector .., and so on .., right down to elementary particles …

 — And why, as we said, the D-levels of the OCF depend on the size and characteristics of the covered object?

— Because there is still some difference between the personal characteristics of the frequencies — in outer space, and the characteristics of the frequencies inside a dense object.

— That is, the OCF of the object is divided into external and internal «Carrier Waves», external and internal D-levels.

 And yet, each D-level is also divided into stable and mobile components. And the crosshairs of all these D-levels and their components (volumetric, power, vector, speed) give the position of the object at the moment in the Universe. In short — the OCF of the object — is the result of the interaction of linear oscillations and has a «nested doll structure» of D-levels. And D-levels — are divided by globality; both external and internal; and consist of stable and mobile metrics.

 — From all that we have learned, we can conclude, that the interaction of the “Carrier Waves” change the OCF coordinates of the object in ACVOS, according to the linear vibration grid (“Carrier Waves”), first — by the mobile indicators of “their” D-level, and then, if there are sufficient capacities — along the grid of «Carrier Waves» of other D-levels.

— (Visually — this is a rocket, launched into space and left the Earth.)

 And here we have to notice the most important point:

 — In the knowledge that we currently achieved, there is no absolute prohibition on the immediate=instant, transferring,= moving from one point of the Universe to another, from one D-level to another. In theory, you just need to change the frequency of the object accordingly to the system of OCF !!!

And now we conclude: «What exactly is — OCF ?!»

— Firstly, OCF is a derivative, from the spatial and force impact of all acting “CW” (“carrier waves”), on this VNV (Volumetric nonlinear vibrostructure).

— Secondly, OCF, is a measure of the result of the effects of «CW» («Carrier Waves»), on the VNV (volumetric nonlinear vibrostructures).

 — This is the final result of these actions at the moment, including the coordinates of the object and its “structural state.” (Remember the concentric “Carrier Waves” that can destroy the object ?!)

— And at the same time, OCF — is also the only and unique complex volumetric linear vibration of the object, at the moment.

As a result, we were forced to combine three different concepts:

— The first concept -is volumetric linear oscillations,= «Carrier Waves», which are an independent substance.

 — The second concept — is a measure of the result of the interactions of the «Carrier Waves» in ACVOS, according to the «coordinate grid». The Absolute System of Volumetric Linear Oscillations of a given range (in particular, MP-range) at a given moment in time.

— The third concept — is a vector derivative, obtained from the spatial and force effects of all the acting “CW” on a given VNV (Volumetric Nonlinear Vibrostructure). In other words: — the motion vector of the object, with all the parameters of this motion.

 And this forced combination will continue, until the invention of the units for measuring of the OCF-coordinates of the object, and the units for measuring of the effect of given “Carrier Wave” on the given VNV (Volume Non-Linear Vibrosystem)=given object. And the same for the units of measurement of impacts (both spatial and power).

— And as the reference point of the OCF system, in ACVOS of the MP-range, we have to use the point of origin of the MP-range. (That means — either you have to calculate the origin point of the so-called «Big Bang»; or — do not «fool your head» and take some conditional, most stable reference point …)

  — But in the IC-range, (when Science and our level of evolution will reach this point), you have to take and calculate the point about which the Bible says: «In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the word was God. It was in the beginning with God. Everything through Him began to be, and without Him nothing began to be, what began to be». But this moment is very, very far. We still have to develop and develop … Spiritually develop. Because the IC-range — is a spiritual range, or rather — spiritual-energetic.

— Finishing the section, we will draw, from the above, a conclusion, that will facilitate the future work of physicists and mathematicians:

— If we take the complete closed cycle of the “Carrier Wave”, as a unit of a stable indicator of cyclical motion, then — for an open “CW”, this stable indicator — will be less than one; and in absolutely rectilinear motion — this stable indicator will be equal to zero. This will be the “Carrier Wave”, which has only mobile indicators of the motion.

— And for the future convenience of working with information on the OCF, we will do the following:

 — Enumeration of all the “Carrier Waves” (with their properties, for all D-levels) in which, at the moment, the object is located, and the interaction of which led the object to this OCF (own cosmic frequency) — we will call the “OCF-passport of the object». Then it will be possible to say: «Such or other changes in the OCF-passport of the object, led to such or other results.»

— And we can add, that at the very Beginning of the World, the vibrations should have been calmer, simpler, requiring less energy. (Energy had to be taken from somewhere too).

— Therefore: vibration with a frequency of one oscillation per many billions of years is incomparably closer to the Absolute Beginning of the World, than vibration with a frequency of many billions of oscillations per one year .., hour .., minute .., second ...

 — Hence we conclude, that the difference between the IC-range and the MP-range — is in the oscillation frequency.

 — And one more surprising conclusion:

If the information is completely intangible, then everything else, that fluctuates, figuratively-conditionally speaking, is “a little bit material.

Part 1. A New Look. Section 1.8.

What is the time.

Block 1.8,1.

 At first, about the time, everything was more or less clear. Philosophers believed, that the time is a sequential row of changes in the phenomena and states of nature. (A sequential row is — where one follows the other). And, as a unit of time, that is, duration of each phenomenon and state, in this series, they used cyclic natural phenomena: this is the change of day and night, and the change of seasons.

As human knowledge developed, refinements and additions were made to the natural units of time. So, the change of seasons — was combined into a single annual cycle of the Earth’s rotation around the Sun. And the change of day and night — was combined into a single daily cycle of rotation of the Earth around its axis, relative to the stars. The annual cycle was divided into daily cycles and a calendar was created. A daily cycle — was conditionally divided into hours, minutes, seconds; and received, in principle, that time, which is densely embedded in our consciousness and which we still use.

Further development of science has shown, that the time we all use, called Universal Time, and determined by the rotation of the Earth — is an uneven current time.

 To correct this situation, was invented an ephemeris time (which is an independent variable in the equations of motion of celestial bodies and controlled by observations of the revolution of the Moon around the Earth.)

Ephemeris time, from our point of view, is an evenly current time.

And yet: in human practice are used such concept as a local time, standard time, universal time, sidereal time, solar time, daylight saving time, summer and winter time, lifetime, personal time. And yet everything is subdivided into the present, past and future; and for time periods (historical, geological, climatic, etc.) In general, there are many times in our life, and they are all different.

 And now, based on the above, scientific knowledge and healthy logic, we draw the first conclusions about the concept of «Time»:

— There are many natural times in the Universe. (For example, each planet has its own year, its own day; and its own consecutive series of changes in its events).

 — More global flows of time, consist of less global flows. (Like a year — consists of days).

 — The flow of time can be even (like ephemeris time), and can be uneven (like universal time).

— There are many ways to measure time, which means there are many different options for perceiving this time.

— And what unites all these various times, is that everything that happens in these times, is a sequential series of events and a sequential series of emergence of the information.

Block 1.8,2

          Modern philosophy gives the following fundamental definition of the concept of time: «Time is a form of sequential change of phenomena and states of matter.»

Let’s postpone the dispute over the relevance of the word form here. We draw attention to the fact that: the definition of “form of sequential change” is said in the singular. Although it is quite logical to say, that if there are many times in the Universe, then there should be more than one form of sequential change.

 — And as you know, the whole building suffers from an error in the foundation.

But, the further course of philosophical thought was even more surprising. Two completely different concepts: space and time — were connected into a single philosophical concept of the spatio-temporal existence of matter. But mathematicians, physicists, and philosophers unanimously claim, that there can be many spaces (with their sizes, speeds, etc.). And is the Time — single ?! Well, how can this be? And how, for example, does time flow in “black holes”, or in those universes, that can fit in elementary particles? (Our science does not deny this possibility.)

Of course you can, as in that army joke, combine Space and Time, digging a trench, from the fence till the evening. But what is appropriate for a joke is not always appropriate for a fundamental philosophical concept. And therefore, neither philosophers, nor other scientists, nor whole society, really understood: what and how was connected in a single concept of spacetime. And, the inconsistency and misunderstanding in the fundamental basis of modern philosophy, led to the inconsistency and difference of assertions — in all other ensuing philosophical and physical-mathematical reasoning.

— So it turned out, that on the one hand — there are universal properties of time: duration, non-repeatability, irreversibility; and the universal properties of space: extension, unity of discontinuity and continuity — are connected in a single structural form of the existence of matter — “spacetime”. And on the other hand, in order to explain somehow the new achievements of science, and so far unexplained anomalous phenomena affirms that:

There can be many spaces. (But then, if “space and time” is one, it is necessary to introduce restrictions into the fundamental concept of “extension” implying its (extension) infinity, and explain: what happens with time, when the extension ends).

— A fundamental misunderstanding of the structure of the artificially created concept of “spacetime” led to the hypothesis that the past, present, and future are coexisting together, and as if — simultaneously.

But then, at a minimum, it is necessary to introduce restrictions into the fundamental universal property of time — duration, completely remove another property of time — non-repeatability, and conduct long scientific debates about the «third property of time» — irreversibility (that is, the impossibility of time to flow in the opposite direction ; and the inability to get from the present to the past, or from the future to the present.)

But let’s back to our logical reasoning:

 — As for the spatial concept of extension, then, in principle, we have already introduced relevant restrictions into it:

— In section 1.1, Finite and infinite, section 1.2 What is the size, and section 1.7, the Vibration and the World — the conventions of the concepts are explained and proved: size, distance, infinity, point. And in one word, all this is — an extension.

— A concrete and complete definition of the concept of the Space will be given in the second part of the book. In the meantime, continue to understand — what is the time?

Block 1.8,3

         So what can be called with the word time?

         — A sequential series of changes in the phenomena and states of nature can be called — the time? It can be called, of course. But, a sequential series, this is — a sequential series. (A series of the sequence of occurrence and course of events and the sequence of the emergence of new information.) But the sequence, it is — the sequence! And this sequence does not depend on time, and time will not change this sequence.

  The Conclusion: a sequential change of phenomena and states can be called time only conditionally. More precisely, it will be called the flow of time at a given point.

  — Well, why is this “flow of time” exactly “at a given point? ” Is not the flow of time universal and one for all?

 Let’s consider and analyze the following:

Block 1.8,4.

       An example:

 — The two pilots had received a flight mission, took off on their planes and remained in the air for several days. And so:

 — At the airport, time went on: day was replaced by night, night by day … And the sundials, set by someone at the airport, showed the flow of local time.

 — And at the same time, other sundials, installed on the board of the first plane, constantly showed the same time — 12 noon, and the sun all the time «stood at its zenith» and it was always light, and it was summer overboard …

 — And at the same time, it was winter outside the second plane, it was dark all the time, and the location of the stars in the sky, all the time corresponded to 12 o’clock at night.

 — And all this happened, because the first plane, having arrived at the point, where the standard solar time was 12 o’clock in the afternoon, began to fly against the rotation of the Earth at a constant speed, equal to the speed of rotation of the Earth. And the second plane did the same, but from the opposite side of the Globe. And the first plane flew over the hemisphere, where it was summer, and the second flew over the opposite hemisphere, where it was winter.

From this example, we can safely conclude: the flow of time can be considered universal and unified for all, only in a specific, limited space (that means — at a given point).

But, on the other hand, whatever they (pilots and airport workers) do in different places, whatever their local time is, and no matter how they perceive it, anyway, they are all connected in a single moment of life; a single common moment for all, a moment, in which all these different — is happening.

So, we continue the search and analysis.

Block 1.8,5.

So, we recall, that already the ancient philosophers believed, that time is a sequential series of changes of events, phenomena and states of nature. And, as a measurement of this time, in which these events occur (and they occur in a sequential series), cyclical natural changes were used (this is the change of day and night and the change of seasons).

But after all, these natural cycles are nothing else, than the constituent parts of the planet’s OCF:

 — This is the «Carrier Wave» of the Earth’s rotation around its axis, relative to the stars; and the «Carrier Wave» of the rotation of the Earth around the Sun.

— And the change of day and night, summer and winter — are the results of the effect of the Earth’s OCF (Own Cosmic Frequency) on the Earth’s VNV (volumetric nonlinear vibration structure,= vibrosystem), in fact, on the Earth itself, as an object. Consequently, the Time can be considered as the result of the impact and interaction of volumetric linear oscillations of the “Carrier Waves”, that make up the Own Cosmic Frequency (OCF) of the object.

And then the phenomenon of “airplane time” from our example — becomes clear:

— This happened because, through their actions (control of the aircraft), the pilots made changes to the OCF-passports of the objects (planes) by introducing an additional “Carrier Wave” (“CW” of the flight). And “CW” of the flight and “CW” of the rotation of the Earth, neutralized each other in a mobile speed indicator; which led to a stop of the daily time on the board of the aircraft. Actually, the power of this “CW” of the flight of the aircraft is still not enough to completely stop all on-board clock mechanisms, but the optically visible result — is already obvious.

And the single moment, <the single instant moment of life, connecting both the airfield and airplanes> — is the current state of the Absolute System of Volumetric Linear Oscillations of the <«Carrier Waves»> in the Absolute Complex Volumetric Oscillation System of the Material-Physical range.

— Shortly speaking:

         — A single moment — is the state of ASVLO in the ACVOS range at the moment; that means, currently — the world picture of all OCF.

 — So, by the words: moment, jiffy, instant — we mean a section-bunch of events, taking place in a sequential (eventual) series, figuratively speaking: under a single serial number; despite the fact, that each participant in this section of events has both — its time and its own OCF.

Block 1.8,6.

   So, we have established, that the daily shifts of day and night and the annual shifts of the seasons — are the consequences of the influence of the planet’s OCF on the planet itself.

 And no wonder that:

— OCF is an interacting set of all the «Carrier Waves» affecting the object for a given moment. And the effect of fluctuations,= vibrations on any object, of course, causes certain reactions and changes in this object.

 (Once again, it is worth recalling, that any World object itself -is also a structured set of volumetric vibrations, but nonlinear. That is: volumetric nonlinear vibrations create structures; and volumetric linear vibrations — move these structures <gives mobility to these structures>. )

 — And if so, then it turns out, that every planet — has its own time. Own length,=duration of the day, own length,=duration of the year. And each planet lives on its own time and according to its own temporal laws.

And it is right. Well, why, for example, do we need on the Earth, the time of the planet Venus? (Where the day, on the surface of the planet, is longer than a year, and the day in the clouds, if you fly with them — is equal to four days on the Earth.)

“Or, why do we need Martian time, where the day is almost like ours, but the year is almost twice longer ?!”

“Or why do we need the time of the planet Pluto, where the day lasts almost as long as our week, and one year is equal to our two and a half centuries ?!”

 — Just imagine: what are the conditions and laws prevailing there, how they differ from ours … And how different are the life forms there from ours … (of course, if they exists there).

 Now let’s consider the Sun … What time is there?”

The Sun is situated in the very center, in the very focus of all these various OCF-times of the planets of the Solar system. And pure logic tells us, that an effect should work here, alike the effect of the mixing of all the colors of the rainbow, resulting in a white neutral color.

 That means — all the times,= OCF of the planets of the Solar system — neutralize each other. And for the Sun, our planetary time — does not exist at all!

— Otherwise, if the impact of the OCF of any planet would not be neutralized — we would, automatically, together with the Sun, fall under the dominant influence of this planet.

But all scientific observations say, that this does not happen.

         “Then, what time is on the Sun?”

         — The same, as the Solar OCF — the galactic D-level !!!

         — The Sun has its own standards of time — galactic.

         — For us — it is “eternity of eternity”. So:

 — We have established, that the visible temporary cyclic changes — are the result of the impact on the object of its “Carrier Waves”. This result is called the Own Cosmic Frequency (OCF) of the object.

 — We have established, that a sequential series of events can be called «the flow of time.»

— We have established, that each planet, the Sun, and therefore, each cosmic independent object — has its own time.

 — And from this comes the conclusion, that planetary satellites, in general, also have their own time, but are strictly dependent on planetary time and are strictly connected with it.

 Of course, such a relationship and dependence — are mutual. And the cyclical effect of our satellite — the Moon for the Earth — is a clear confirmation of this. (Indeed, for many inhabitants of coastal waters, such cyclical temporary changes as the ebb and flow — are, perhaps, even more important, than the change of day and night and the change of seasons).

— Similar effects for the Earth from artificial satellites are less noticeable, due to the weak capacities of their «Carrier Waves.» But everything is not so simple. The «Carrier Waves» of the artificial satellites are low-power only according to certain, so to say, «natural» indicators.

But these «Carrier Waves» already have a global sign of the planetary D-level. Satellites revolve around the entire planet; and the more technical capacities they have, and the more important are the effects of these capacities on the planet, the more they cause the influence on the flow of our life, and therefore — the flow of our time. (To make it clearer, we give an example: — Imagine, that we launch an artificial satellite of the Earth, with a large reflector of sunlight, which will change the length of daylight on the planet … This will necessarily lead to certain changes in the biorhythms of living organisms, that is, to the changes in their OCF-passports. And the changes in the life cycles — of course, will lead to a change in the flow of time; or rather, to a change in our perception of the flow of time. What is important for us, as individuals, first of all.)

Block 1.8,7.

  So, let’s talk about the perception of time: as the whole of humanity .., as different living organisms .., and each of us individually.

 — To begin with, we recall that everything in Our World is relative; and the time cannot be an exception. Because: sizes are conditional, and speeds are conditional; and therefore, the transit time for these sizes, should also be conditional = relative! And, in confirmation of what has been said, let’s consider this example:

 — If we increase or decrease, for example, our Earth’s day, twice — but at the same time, increase or decrease by the same amount all the speeds of motion, reactions and interactions (starting from the motion of electrons and ending with the motion of stars …) — then we will not notice anything and this will not affect our lives in any way. Because there will be nothing to compare.

Because the entire Absolute System of Volumetric Linear Oscillations (ASVLO) simply increased or halved the frequency of all, without exception, their linear oscillations <«Carrier Waves»>; at the same time, without changing its general structure of relations and interactions; and the structure of relations and interactions of any OCF-passports.

  And this is correct. Because, it is the only way to fit into the concept, that the Universe can be at any point, and any Universe can be a point.

— And how do different living organisms perceive the same period of time, for example, one Earth day ?

— For a one-day butterfly -this is a whole life …

— For a human — this is just one day of its life …

— And for the Baobab tree, which has been living for up to five thousand years — one day, it is very, very small period, almost imperceptible …

— You see — how everything is different … But the time period — is the same!

  And now let’s do an experiment:

 — Someone would tell you: “It will happen in one year …” And: “It will happen in two years …”

 Do you feel the time difference? Of course you feel!

 — Someone would tell you: «It will happen in a hundred years …» And: «It will happen in a hundred and five years …»

Do you feel the difference? Of course you feel. But a little weaker.

-Someone would tell you: «It will happen in three thousand five years …» And: «It will happen in three thousand eight years …»

How is it? Did you feel the difference well? No?! Three years of difference is the long term. But this is not very interesting for you now …

— Then someone would tell you: “It will happen in eighty-three billion one hundred twenty-three million years …” And: “It will happen in eighty-three billion one hundred thirty-three million years …” Well, feel the difference… At the beginning of the experiment, you felt the one year difference very distinctly … And now the difference is ten million years !!! And you do not care !!!

 — Let’s think — why in our experiment there was such a big difference in the perception of the same phenomenon: «the flow of time?»

 — This happened, because in Our «relative» World, just like in the case of the size of the things around us, we also «fit on ourselves» the «flow of time». Comparing the taken time segment, with the time segment, corresponding to the average human life duration.

And it is right. We are not the machines, after all. Year — two — one hundred — two hundred … — For us it matters: our life .., the life of our grandchildren …

 And billions of years … Millions … Who cares?! …

  From this we conclude, that the time, in the general human understanding (that is, the common perception of time) — is a comparison and collation of the duration of processes,= events, relative to the average duration of human life.


 — Regarding the common perception of time — we have sorted it out. Now let’s deal with the individual (personal) perception of time. Because, in the individual perception of time, very interesting features can be revealed:

  — The equal (with the same speed) flow of Earth time is perceived differently, even by the same person, at the different moments of life.

 There are even folk adages: “Time flies when you having fun”; “Time goes slowly”; «It seemed like time had stopped.» But the Earth is spinning at the same speed; and the common Earth time flows in the same way.

 Then what is the reason?

— We will analyze several cases. Here is an example:

Imagine, you and the company of your mates went on a picnic and ate something not very fresh there,  … And, near the door of the toilet, a whole queue was lined up … And, the time for you will go completely differently, depending on which side of the toilet door you are. (Anyone, who is now in doubt, can conduct a personal scientific experiment — with a laxative remedy, a toilet and a company of volunteers.)

Another example:

You are on a date … Your beloved «soul mate» is late, the «cell phone» does not answer … You nervously glance at the clock, waiting minutes drag on painfully long … But then, with a «chirp of apologies», your «soul mate» rushes to you hugs … Three hours passed .. but you didn’t notice how quickly time flew by …

More examples:

There are many cases, when soldiers saw bullets flying at them point blank (which in “ordinary life” is physiologically impossible, since the speed of a bullet is many times higher, than the speed of our reaction to events). And the soldiers not only saw the bullets flying in them, but also managed to dodge them. Other soldiers saw how a shell, that fell near them, began to crack slowly .., the flames slowly started to burst out of it .., time almost stopped .., fragments slowly started to fly apart … The soldiers managed to defend themselves at least somehow … After that — a roar of explosion, and again — the normal flow of time …

And in civil life, in moments of accidents, in the moments of mortal threats that have arisen, it often happens, that time slows down, everything happens as in a slow motion picture … And in our memory, we manage to see our whole past life … And we often manage to respond to threat, in a split second to carry out actions, for which, in a normal situation, we would need much more time.

So why is this happening? Let’s try to understand:

 — As can be seen from the examples, there are no changes in the external “Carrier Waves”, affecting the object (bullets have not yet reached, the shell has not yet burst, the accident has not occurred yet) — and the flow of the generally accepted (common) time, toward the individual (personal) — has already dramatically slowed down …

 And if the external «Carrier Waves» have nothing to do with it, then the reason is in the internal «Carrier Waves», in biorhythms and the vibrations of the senses of the object,=personality!

 — When a person is stubbornly waiting for something and feel nervous, wanting to speed up the process; when a person has seen <intuitively felt> imminent danger — the person’s internal tension increases sharply, than happens: a sharp surge of feelings,=emotions and a feverish search for a way out or avoiding the impending situation.  Of course, all this affects the flow of the biorhythms of the body. (It is affected because, as we already know, changes in the fluctuation of feelings — cause a change in the fluctuation of energy. A change in the fluctuation of the internal energy of the body, cannot but affect the frequency of oscillations of the Biorhythms of the <internal «Carrier Waves»> of the organism of a given person.)

Changing the «CW» of the organism, leads to a change in the speed of the biochemical processes of the organism. (Since it changes the speed of signal passage through the nerves, the speed of thinking and processing of information, the speed of reaction and perception). The acceleration of these processes leads to the fact, that both, the bullet and the shell explosion — become visible.

That is, it turns out that:

The flow of generally accepted Common time, from the point of view of the individual, slows down, when the internal «Carrier Waves» of the organism of the given person — dramatically speed up their pace.

On the other hand, when the personality’s internal tension subsides (a loved person appears, the person is busy with some interesting business, etc.), then the person’s inner calmness, also calms the vibration of feelings; it slows down the flow of some Biorhythms of <«CW»> of the body. In these cases, the generally accepted (common) time, for a given person, flows “imperceptibly”, that means -it speeds up its flow.

A person thinks that only an hour has passed, and already three hours have passed … And the fact, that not everyone sees a bullet flying into him, proves once again, that everything in Our World is relative, and depends on an individual set of qualities, conditions, and circumstances.

And now we draw the conclusions:

 — The perception of the flow of time — is a relative concept.

-The perception of the flow of time could be: generally accepted, (common), and purely individual (personal).

— The perception of the flow of time is based on a comparative ratio,=comparison of all indicators of external and internal «Carrier Waves».

 That is — the duration of any event, is unconsciously measured by the ratio of the number of cycles, which are, so to speak,standards for comparison:

External standards of comparisonare the seasons of the year, Times of Day, and local hourly time (they practically remain stable), and internal standards — are the cycles of our biorhythms, which vary, depending on mood and other annoying,= influencing factors; and all of this — in relation to the average human lifespan.

Block 1.8,8.

Now let’s summarize our conclusions of the “New Look” on the eternal question: “What is time?”

  — So:

The Timeis sequential changes in volumetric oscillatory systems,= vibrostructures. For each such system,=vibrostructure — there are own changes and «own time.»

 — For us, “own time” — is the planetary “physical time” of the planet Earth, based on the planet’s OCF and included in the more global “physical time” of the entire MatPhys range. But, the perception of this time is different, by different subjects of being.

— The concept of time, in the modern universal meaning — is a relative, conditional, collective,=complex concept; it subjectively reflecting the duration of the ongoing processes, and it mix together several different concepts.

— The modern universal concept of time consists of:

— Firstly — of the subjective perception of time

(both personal and common), based on comparisons of the duration of current events — with the duration of time standards (seconds, hours, days …); with the duration of human life;and with the power, frequency and quality composition of the associated emotions and biorhythms of a given individual.

  — Secondly — of the observed sequential series of events, occurring amid the cyclical natural changes, resulting from the action of the Carrier Waves of OCF (Own Cosmic Frequency) of the planet.

  — Thirdly — of a purely figurative representation,= imagination of the past, present and future; where the present varies from “the moment between the past and the future, called life”, and to such concepts as “now”, “today”, “our time”, “our days”, “our generation”, “modern history”, “Our era «. (Similar «human variations» also exist in the concepts of the past and the future).

The flow of time is universal only for those ,who are at this particular point <in this particular place>. But, even for those who are in this particular (common to them) specific place — time can flow in different ways.

The influence of time — is the influence of all «Carrier Waves» of the Absolute System of Volumetric Linear Oscillations, on all Volumetric Nonlinear Vibrostructures in the Absolute Complex Volumetric Oscillation System of the Material-Physical range.

(Do not forget, that the world consists of vibrations …)

The single universal “momentary” indicator of the Absolute Universal Time <Absolute Time of the Universe>is the state of the ACVOS-Spirit,=of the whole Universe — at this single moment in a sequential Absolute series of occurrence,= accomplishment of the events.

 Figuratively speaking — this is all the Universe in a single complex-volumetric «momentary cross section»; that is — the state at the moment, of all vibrosystems (both linear and non-linear); that is — the state at the moment, of all objects and processes, occurring with them (motion, aging, interaction, etc.); as well — as the state of all parts of the spirit and other non-material concepts (feelings, thoughts, etc.); as well —  as the state of all accumulated and emerging information.

— So — the Absolute Time of the Universe <Universal Time> — is all changes in all vibrational systems,= vibrostructures, in the Unified Absolute Universal All-encompassing sequential row.

— And we will repeat: «Single Universal Moment» — is a single all-encompassing «section» of the ACVOS-Spirit (that is — the state of the entire Universe at a given instant moment).

 Therefore, we can say that — various local times, their flows in a single Universal stream of timeare different rows of sequential processes,=events at different coordinate points of the Universe (in ACVOS-Spirit); in the United Complex-volumetric Complex-sequential row of ongoing World processes,= events.

(It’s like a single river, which consists of different currents and whirlpools …)

— It means, that the flow of Absolute Universal Timeis the Absolute Complex-volumetric Complex-sequential Complex-single row of simultaneous changes in the Universe <in ACVOS-Spirit>.

— The flow of the Absolute Universal Time is accompanied by the continuation of the emergence of absolute (entire) information about the fulfillment of events (turning into the category of accomplished events) and the planning and approach of new events. (The emerging information continues the sequential information row).

 — Now let’s analyze the present, past, future:

 — The past — is what has already happened (accomplished events).

The future — is what has not been accomplished yet (this is, what will happen, or perhaps will happen). But since Our World is not a chaos, and is an ordered structure, it can be said, that the futureis a logical consequence of further events. (Moreover, any programs developed and launched by anyone and any actions on them — either strengthen or weaken all of these options.)

The present — is the moment of fulfillment; the result of all interactions.

— But! The vibrations of which the «World is woven» — is the «result of all interactions.»

In the past these vibrations have already passed …

In the future — these vibrations have not come yet …

The conclusion:

 — Our Real World exists only in the present.

The past and the future exist only in information and other intangible concepts: (such as knowledge of the spirit, memories, plans, dreams, fantasies, prophecies and the like, which, in principle, is also a kind of information).

Well, if the Present Time <our physical life> — is a vibration, then the physical time <MatPhys-range time> should have an oscillatory structure. (What we already told you about …)

 And therefore, based on the research and analysis, we give a definition of physical time:

 — Physical time — is a «Carrier wave» with a strictly defined motion vector, perceived as forward motion.

The «Carrier Wave» goes as a «vertical layer.» All vibrostructures located in this «layer» are under its action and influence.

 That means that — with sufficient power and globality of the “Carrier Wave”, all vibrostructures that get into it, become a part of the vibration of this “Carrier Wave”, that is — they vibrate with this given OCF.

And the structure of physical time, as well as the structure of OCF — is a “multi-nesting doll” structure.

  And you can, in principle, say, that:

Physical time is OCF.

 (But, for contemporary human understanding, this is difficult, stereotypes interfere with this; and, for now, it’s not absolutely necessary.) Therefore, for now, we will give another, “romantic” definition:

— Physical time — is a «universal wave» of physical life.

— Let’s sad about the past … Let’s think about the future …

— And let’s try to find our rightful place in this wave …

Block 1.8,9.

          We have already concluded that the origin,= the creator of all vibrations — is the Spirit. So, physical time — is also the creation of the Spirit.

— But it will be considered in the second part of the book.

— And questions about:

— What is possible in time and what is not?

— And issues of temporal anomalies — will be considered in the third part of the book.

Section 1.9. What is inanimate — what is animate.

         Block 1.9,1.

The modern principle of distinction of an animate from inanimate, contains about two dozen different signs, that should be manifested in a living object. Moreover, they should appear — all at once, without exception, because all these signs are controversial; and singly or in a group — can also be found in objects, that contemporary science classifies as inanimate. And we will try to find a simpler and more universal principle of difference:

— As we have already said, Our World <MatPhys-range of the Universe> consists of vibrations. This means, the difference between animate and inanimate is necessary to search — in the differences between  the vibrations <in the differences between OCF-passports of the objects>.

— Since the Beginning of the World is intangible; and our MatPhys-range is created by the Spirit from the vibrations of its senses,=energies; then, the difference between animate and inanimate is, in principle — a relative concept. And we will consider the division into animate and inanimate — from our subjective human point of view.

 — So — what is the difference? The difference is, that inside of the inanimate objects — there are completely no biorhythms <cycles of internal «Carrier Waves» with a stable indicator>.

        — In the inanimate objects, a stable indicator of the recurrence of the internal “Carrier Waves” is completely absent; or it can be said — is equal to zero. In simple words — inanimate objects do not have their own constantly repeating internal life cycles. The exception is — an artificially created cycles. (For example: heating-cooling of an object; or cycles of mechanisms and engines — also having an artificial origin).

  — But in fairness, we must admit, that the objects with artificially created internal cycles <”Carrier Waves»> — are no longer «absolutely inanimate objects.» After all, to equip such objects with artificial intelligence and to teach them to reproduce,= to mount their own kind — is a matter of time. (And many of us know, that it would seem, that absolutely identical mechanisms or cars — very often behave «in life» in very different ways).

  — And therefore it is necessary to introduce an additional secondary gradation between the concepts of animate and inanimate: relatively living objects; with a percentage ratio of «bioticity»; based on the assumption, that the inanimate — is zero, the animate — is one.

  And here emerges an interesting point : — Both the Earth and the Sun — have numerous independent stable internal cycles !!!

And it turns out, that our planet is alive … And the Sun — is also alive …

Well, what’s so surprising ?! We don’t live in a cemetery! The world is harmonious and highly organized! Inanimate cannot do this!

         Life in the midst of life and is a part of this life … Logically ?!

Section 1.10. Body and mind.

 Block 1.10,1

 We perceive our body — as a whole, as ourselves.

In the extreme case, when something hurts or bothers, we mentally divide our body into parts, or rather — what hurts and what does not hurt; or I feel — I don’t feel.

— But after all, our entire body and each of its organs — are made up of millions of living cells.  And each cell has its own life and its own destiny.

 — And also in our body lives a millions of live bacteria .., viruses .., parasites … And they generally have their own lives and their tasks! From someone — we benefit, from others — harm…

 — And what life scenarios, what dramas are unfolding in our body …

— Streams of nutrients go along the vessels-roads (veins) .., caravans of substances: both harmful and useful … bacteria, viruses and parasitic microorganisms — commit crimes on these roads …

— And leukocyte-warriors, turning into macrophages and monocytes (that is, “arming”, “putting on combat armor” and “using military equipment”) — boldly rush into battle against enemy bacteria … And the lymphatic system, like modern artillery, shoots viruses and foreign microorganisms with the self-directed antibodies …

 — And what kind of tragedies happening during finding out: “friend-or-foe?” — When something is rejected or destroyed, what don’t have to be rejected or destroyed… (For example: a transplanted organ or transfused blood.)

 And all this is so different: now coexisting .., then fighting …

 — And why actually all this, so different — is kept in space in a single limited volume, with a complex stable form; instead of spreading by an amorphous (without constant boundaries) mass?

 — After all, even considering the structures, responsible for the development of the organism: gene, DNA, chromosome — becomes clear, that something is missing here …

— Let genes, DNA, chromosomes — determine the entire synthesis of substances in the body and all their (substances) interactions; even if they determine the structural-volumetric spatial arrangement of these substances relative to each other …

 But where does the final boundaries of volume? ..

The final shape of the arms, legs, bodies? …

  Why the cells dividing in one direction — and then they stop; and in other directions — they continue to divide?

 — Growth and dividing “in the shape of a ball” would be much more logical …

 — In addition to the genetic program structure of metabolic and protein interactions, there have to be the volumetric program structure of the shape of the object. This structure must necessarily be.

 — And that means that: in addition to the genetic code of living organisms, there is also a voluminous holographic code <hologram «compressed grid» expanding, as the body grows; from embryo to adult>.

— And there is modern scientific confirmation of this: — This is the photographing of the living objects according to the Kirlian method (in a high-frequency electromagnetic field). For example:

— If you pick a live green leaf from a tree, tear off a piece from it and make a photo of this leaf without a piece, using the Kirlian method, then in the photo — the aura of the whole leaf will appear (that is, a torn leaf, plus a phantom of a torn, physically non-existent part of the leaf).

 And we will not deny the obvious:

— This is the code-hologram of the leaf, which is although partially distorted, partially modified and partially destroyed — but fixed by the same high-frequency electromagnetic radiation,=field.

 Aura .., biofield .., the holographic code — is a fact!

And the sooner we understand this — the better!

Now we conclude:

The voluminous structural forms-sizes of living organisms — are due to their voluminous structural holographic code, which, like the genetic code, is inherited and, like the genetic code, is subject to some external influences.

And this, by the way, is another difference between animate and inanimate from our human point of view — not quite objective and not quite perfect … Because life forms can be different, and can differ much from the forms, which are usual for us. For example:

— We breathe with the oxygen, we cannot live without it; because we are — the aerobic organisms and are composed of aerobic cells, bacteria and other microorganisms. (The aerobic organism — is an organism, that consumes oxygen.) But on the Earth, and even as a part of our body (in the form of bacteria), exist the anaerobic life forms, they live without the oxygen consumption; for many of these organisms, the oxygen — is a poison.

 — But if anaerobic microorganisms do exist, then there can exist a complex highly developed anaerobic organisms … And these highly developed anaerobic organisms can also have highly developed intellect <highly developed mind> !!!

Block 1.10,2.

 And what do we know about the mind and the intellect?

 In the modern definition, the mind — is the ability to understand and comprehend. Intellect, in principle — is the same, but taking into account the quality and the size of these abilities of understanding and comprehension.

For a long time we thought, that the human — is the only rational being on the planet; and the animals — use only the instincts (innate reactions to irritants). Some people still think so…

  — But modern experiments and observations of scientists — show the opposite, and lead to an amazing conclusion…

 — For example, Japanese scientists conducted an experiment with yellow mold fungus. At the one end of the labyrinth they placed a fungus, at the other end of the labyrinth — the sugar. The fungus pulled its flagella to sugar, exactly the sugar, branching through the labyrinth, and  reaching the dead ends also … Finally, sugar was found. After that, any piece of these flagella (any piece of this mold) was taken and placed again: on the one end of the labyrinth — the mold, on the other end — the sugar. And the flagellum crawled to the sugar in the shortest way, without dead ends, directly to the sugar. And reached it. The instinct is out of the question here. Only the mind and the intellect!

— And it may be insulting to us, as the humans: but further experiments with the mold (yellow mold) and the food (sugar) showed that the engineering planning abilities (building a network of flagella for food) of the mold — are not inferior to human abilities of engineering planning.

    Another example:

 — The flight from the wintering place to the “summer camp” of the Monarch butterflies takes the lifetime of several generations … Moreover, the first three generations live very little (five to six weeks), and the fourth generation — eight months … Some butterflies fly along the one route, others — along another .., in certain places — they meet, and again together — forward!

 — Well, what kind of «innate reactions to irritants» can be here ?! This is possible — only if this is a general living organism, consisting of single butterflies, a collective, having a common collective mind.

There are a lot of examples of the mind and the collective mind of the living organisms. (More can be found on the Internet).

  We will draw the conclusions:

 — The mind — is an IQC (intangible quantitative concept). So the mind — is an integral part of the spirit.

  — The mind and the intellect are inherent in all living organisms. (Each species of living organisms has such mind and intellect, as this species need for its life and survival).

 — Very often for the living organisms, the mind — is collective.

 — As civilization develops, not only the human mind develops, but also the mind of other living organisms. For example, stray dogs in big cities, follow the rules of pedestrian traffic … Fish learn to dive under the set nets … Pets and animals, which contacting with people, learn to use people’s things … And so on and so forth …

            — And human experience also shows, that one mind can influence another; dominate it; to impose the thoughts, fantasies, way of thinking, will, programs.

Block 1.10,3.

         We have already said, that when the spirit,=consciousness leaves the body, the mind continues to function. And this indisputable fact, as well as the experimental confirmation of the facts of the existence of intelligence of mold, and the existence of a collective mind — convincingly prove, that the mind and the brain — are two different things.

  Where is the brain of mold? .. Or — where is the brain of a flock of butterflies? .. It is absent !!!

   — So why do we need the brain as the body part?

— As already mentioned: for the spirit — our body is an instrument of influence and interaction in the MatPhys-range of Being.

  And the brain — is the control center of this instrument (the physical body); and a device for the converting of the intangible information into material signals; and vice versa: to convert material signals into intangible information.

 And yet — the brain is a material biological informational-calculative center of interactions with the environment; with the functions of memory, learning, self-learning and other programs — kind of computer.

 And the brains, like the computers — are different: from a primitive scheme of a living cell, to a highly developed human brain; and further — to the levels, that we do not yet know. There is no limit to perfection …

Block 1.10,4.

    The human brain is maximally developed in comparison with the brains of other creatures.

The human body, together with the brain, is maximally adapted, in comparison with the bodies of other animals, for maximum comprehensive impact on the surrounding world.

  And precisely for these reasons, the Forces of Light and the Forces of Darkness are fighting so stubbornly for a human …

Section 1.11. The spirit and the carrier.

         Block 1.11,1.

         As we already know, the spirit — is intangible and it does not have a certain weight, volume and other physical quantities.

Therefore, the spirit needs a carrier for the visualization and individualization in Our World. (In simple words: the spirit needs a physical medium,=body, in order to become tangible and different from others in Our World.)

  And what these carriers can be ?

 — We already know, that these can be aerobic (using oxygen) and anaerobic (not using oxygen) organisms. But both of them are a protein form of life based on carbon organic compounds.

— And who said, that a life form can only be based on carbon organic compounds?

— And why there cannot be a life form based on, for example, silicon organic compounds? Is there an absolute prohibition on this in nature? No, it is not !!!

And the space — is endless and not explored!

— And the silicon-organic life form — need no water, and the temperature regime for it can be much more extreme, than for the carbon-organic life form …

So, life can exist on any planet: Venus, Mars, Jupiter or Pluto. Simply, it can differ very much from the Earth life.

And in general — who said that the carrier of the spirit must be absolutely alive?

— All objects are created by the Spirit, and any of the objects — the spirit can «saturate by self». It all depends on the tasks that the spirit sets itself.

 — If you need to move physically and act physically — this is one thing … And if the tasks are different, which do not require physical active movement and physical impact — then any suitable object can become a carrier of the spirit. Tribes and folks, which are “not spoiled” by civilization still have such concepts, as the Spirits of the forest, river, terrain. Such spirits can be good or evil… So, the places could be “sordid” or “curative”: healing for body and soul. Dead matter can’t act like that. What about the holy and miraculous relics and icons?! They look like inanimate objects… But their amazing impact on us, our health and destiny — recognized even by the modern conservative science.

 — And yet, relying on all the arguments and conclusions cited earlier, it would be logical to say, that the spirit can “infiltrate” as many carriers (both living and non-living), as its intangible personal qualities allow it. (Because — infinity is identical to a point, and the spirit has no physical limitations.)

Block 1.11,2.

But all the methods of individualization and, most importantly, visualization of the spirit, that we have examined — are visualized through the “crude” physical carriers.

And human experience shows, that the soul, leaving the body, does not lose its individuality; And what is most important — visibility (that means, it takes up quite measurable space). And there are lots of such individually-visual souls …

  — How do they (souls) manage to maintain a difference between themselves?

 — Indeed, a visual individuality — provides for certain personal boundaries in the general system of infinity… And beyond these boundaries — are another visual individualities

 — And the Spirit <Original Spirit> as it is — has no definite boundaries, because it is intangible…

 — Let’s say: individuality is given to the spirits (parts of the Original Spirit) by their personal non-material qualities (qualities of the spirit).

 — But, visibility (perception of a certain occupied volume) is no longer an IQC (Intangible Quantitative Concept), but is something that goes beyond the scope of this concept.

 (Defined volume — provides boundaries,= shell volume).

 — And what can give a shell of volume in Our World? Only vibrations! Only volumetric nonlinear vibrostructures (VNV)! This has already been explained.

 — But, VNV — is a material concept. And, like any matter, it must have at least some mass. And here on Earth — at least some, but weight. Does the soul have a weight?

— The conducted experiments proved, that it has!

— Dying people were put on ultra-precise scales …

And, when people died, (that is, the soul left the body) — their body weight decreased by about twenty grams … If people experienced  clinical death, returned to life again and died again — their body weight decreased, then increased, then again decreased- exactly by this same weight. (Errors and other influences in these experiments were taken into account and excluded.)

— So our soul has weight.

— So it has a body … A body, as light as a feather, consisting of voluminous nonlinear vibrations of a different range, than the VNV of substances on the periodic table. And therefore: it (soul) contacts with these substances, according to completely different principles; still unknown to our science.

— In the theory of «Live Ethics» and some other occult theories — the body of our soul is called — the «Subtle Body». The world, in which souls lives — is the Subtle World. The energies, that exist there, are — the “Subtle energies”.

— Here you have another range of Being — “Subtle World” (SW-range, located between the IC-range and MatPhyz-range).

 — There you have the «bridge» between intangible feelings and «crude» material physical energies — the «Subtle energies».

 — Here you have an additional connecting transitional link between the intangible spirit and the “gross” material body — the “Subtle Body”, which also visualizes and additionally individualizes the various parts of the One Original Spirit.

 — And since, even removing visibility (a material concept), you can maintain the individuality (intangible concept) — we draw the conclusions:

— The Soul — is an individualized part of the One Original Spirit.

 — Our God, whom we pray in our earthly life, is also — an individualized part of the One Original Spirit, but the Part — which is more Global.

Block 1.11,3.

 We are already familiar with the concept of «collective mind» of living beings, and we know that the mind (collective mind) is an integral part of the spirit.

 — But if such a structure, as a collective mind, exists for low-developed living beings, then the same structure, or something similar, can exist for highly developed ones.

  — Long-term observations and experience show, that highly developed organisms really have a similar structure. This is evidenced by such examples as a common conscious coordinated behavior of highly developed living creatures in flocks, herds, schools; and the behavior and thinking of people in groups. And this thinking and behavior of people, belonging to the same group — have much in common and, as it were, a common coordination and command center.

  — People can have different education, different characters, different social status, health, hobbies, and so on … But if they belong to the same, vitally important group, they live, think, act — according to the laws of this group and under its (group=community) quite a tangible influence.

  (As examples, we can take the behavior of people in religious or ideological communities; or the behavior of people in a crowd …)

 — As an example of collectively dependent rational behavior, thinking and morality, let’s take the behavior of people in religious communities:

— On the one hand, the collective rational actions of members of a religious community — give a collective powerful flow of feelings,=energies with the religious unified “spectral component”of these feelings,=energies …

 — And on the other hand, the professed religion has a tangible effect on the life of its parishioners.

— A tangible impact is impossible without the use and consumption of energy.

 — And since there is energy, then there is SOMETHING that radiates it.

    — Well, what is this structure? And what can you call it?

— In esotericism, and in some part of society — this structure is called «egregor.»

(A good name — let’s leave it.)

 — And now we will consider and explain the reasons for the viability of the egregor structure.

 — After all, the energy of feelings, emitted by members of a specific community, is saturated with common feelings,=energies, and information, and a common desire for a common goal … And «all this» cannot just disappear.

And “all this” — is an integral part of the spirit. And «all this» is individual, for this community.

— As we see, we have: a part of the spirit, and energy, and individual signs. In general, there is everything for the part of the One Original Spirit, called the egregor, to be individualized and alive…

 From here we draw conclusions:

Egregor — is a spiritual informational-energetical formation, formed by the spirit-energy-informational radiation of the members of the community of this formation.

  — All members of the community of this formation, with their feelings, thoughts, prayers, their actions directed in a certain direction, nourish and strengthen this egregor.

If the feelings, thoughts and actions of community members are directed in a different direction, then the egregor will weaken, right up to its complete elimination; either it will fully or partially transformed and will continue its life, but with different traditions, concepts and laws.

— On the other hand, egregor has a tangible strong influence on all thoughts, feelings and actions of all members of its community. (Because the egregor consists of the sum of the spiritual and energetic radiations of all its members, which far exceeds the spiritual strength of one). And it is sort of a collective mind, that also possesses energy, sufficient to influence on the controlled members of the community and to continue its existence.

  — Egregors can be attributed to relatively living structures.

— Each egregor, for its nutrition, growth and amplification, uses its own limited spectrum of sensory energy. Therefore, the massive escalation of negativity by the media (mass media) leads to immense growth and intensification of the negative, hostile to humanity, Egregor of the Dark,=evil forces; negative egregore, with a self-destruction program at the end. Therefore, if humanity wants to survive, we must immediately move away from this negative.

 At the end, we can add:

— It is quite logical, that for a certain spirit with certain qualities and tasks, certain Mat-Phys carriers are needed, the carriers that meet the requirements, that make it possible to perform these tasks …

 — Good examples here are: viruses .., spores .., seeds .., embryos … (Do not forget, that any size — is a convention ..; that there is a collective mind and collective egregor ..; that EVERYTHING either develops or degrades , or stands still ..; that you are still reading only the first part of the book ..; there will be further explanations …)

Section 1.12.

                        When is the Universe possible and what is NOTHING.

         Block 1.12,1.

         As we have already said, the Universe,=Being, is possible only with the continuity of the «tape of feelings», the continuity of the «tape of vibrations» of the Spirit; which means — World is possible only with the immortality of the spirit! Because otherwise, if even for a moment to interrupt it, then all Being,=Universe will have to start all over again.

 — And one more important condition for the possibility of the infinite existence of the Universe:

Global Light <positive, good, creation> — must always dominate Global Darkness <negative, evil, destruction>.

 This is quite logical and understandable. You can create, in principle, endlessly … But to destroy endlessly — is practically impossible …

— But is it possible in Our Real Physical World to do completely without negativity, evil, destruction, <the Darkness> ??? Of course not!!!

  Our World, in principle, is arranged so, that the food ecological chain — provides for the death of some, to continue the genus of others. But at the same time, this chain is looped <closed>; it maintains ecological balance …

 — Light <positive, creation> — provides for the planned further improvement and development of this ecological chain. This is the essence of the Power of Light!

— Darkness <negativity, destruction> — provides for uncontrolled battles <wars> in this chain, leading to its violation and destruction. (Including the entire human civilization.) This is the essence of the Power of Darkness!

  In more detail — it will be explained further.

— And now we’ll make a vital conclusion for each of us and for the whole  humanity:

 — The Infinite Universe is possible only when the Light dominates Darkness <when «Good», finally, always triumphs over «Evil»>.

 — Yes — in Our Real World, we cannot do completely without Darkness <Evil>. Our World is arranged this way. Yes — Forces of Evil, in some way, are “helping” us to perfect our Personal Spirit; because we are perfecting ourselves in the struggle …

— But — NEVER, never we should allow the Evil — to win finally !!!

Block 1.12,2.

         — The Beginning……

         — The Universe=Genesis — should have a beginning! Indeed, everything, literally everything, had to come from somewhere … Everything — energy, matter, spirit, and space …

And before that, before the beginning, there should have been NOTHING! Absolutely Nothing!

 — In the stereotype of the human concept — the concept of “Well, Absolutely Nothing” — this means: empty, dark, cold and airless (the vacuum) … In general — a cosmic void …

 — Well, no! Not right! The emptiness also had to come from somewhere!

— NOTHING — so NOTHING! In principle, the Absolute NOTHING — you can’t even imagine, because, any representation — is already SOMETHING.

   — To understand it better, we give an example:

— You go along the road and look very carefully under your feet and forward; thinking about what lies ahead …

— What, at this moment, according to your feelings — is behind you?

 — NOTHING! No sensations … Neither darkness, nor emptiness … Well, of course, until you start thinking about it …

 — Therefore, we repeat again:

 — Before the beginning of the Universe,=World — there was NOTHING.

         — And how out of NOTHING — SOMETHING appeared, is explained in the second part of  =NicA=.

The end of the first part of =NicA=.

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