Part 4. Society.
Section 4.1. The essence of the causes of modern crises.
Block 4.1,1.
When these lines are written (2013 — 2014) — «Darkness» reigns on the planet …
— Disasters, natural and technical, wars, terrorist attacks, diseases, economic crises … One by one — growing, like a snowball … Why? And what is the reason? Let’s start analyzing and understanding:
— We already know and have proved that the invisible World is more important and greater than the visible one; that the foundation is the spirit and feelings, these are aspirations and goals (that is, the vector of the direction of the application of efforts <energy of feelings>).
— Well, what are our aspirations, feelings and goals?
— We don’t mean personalities; we mean humanity as a whole (in general — the values of modern human civilization):
— We are a consumer society, it is common knowledge and that’s all. The main goal and task of such a society is not to create (improve, help, create, — for the sake of improving, helping, creating), but rather to consume! There are no restrictions: the more — the better. Price and consequences are in the background. The main thing is — to receive more and more! In one word — greed.
— And what does modern authority give in modern society?
— It gives individuals, who have broken through to authority, the opportunity to do so — to take the best more and more. The victorious invaders in wars of conquest receive the same.
— And what is the reason for the constant inflation <rise in prices>? You can talk about this topic (explain, name the reasons) a lot. But all the same, no matter how would you explain and what would you say, the rise in prices is based on an elementary thirst for more profit, that is — ordinary human greed.
— What is corruption and organized crime?
— It is the same greed, but — collective, organized and backed up by the desire to get the maximum possible profit, while spending the least possible effort. And any economic crisis, war, impoverishment — bring someone fabulous profits. (If it would be disadvantageous to the «powers that be» — they would not bring the situation to this point.)
— Can we imagine that in a natural, harmonious environment, the leader of a herd or flock, surrounding himself with a «bunch of sycophants», would only care about his personal well-being?
— Can we imagine that «healthy competition» will begin in a bee swarm and each bee will try, by any means, to train as much honey as possible to its personal combs? Do not let anyone near these combs and only sometimes «by the mood» to donate to others a small particle of honey: “generously“?!
— Of course, this is impossible to imagine, because: neither a flock, nor a herd, nor a swarm of bees — can not be viable for a long time with such orders.
— That is why we wait all the time for the Doomsday, because we understand perfectly in our souls, that society, with the values, goals and laws so perverted and inharmonious with nature, cannot exist forever. Because a path is inharmonious with Nature <with the Universe, with the Creator> always leads to negative consequences. And the negative consequences cause a flow of negative feelings-energies. And negative feelings-energies lead to negative consequences …
And a vicious circle turns out, which feeds and strengthens the Dark Forces. (Well, we have already told you about the essence of the non-self-sufficient Dark Forces and the consequences of their strengthening.)
— And, of course, Mother Earth, our planet — began to defend herself …
— So, the essence of all the causes of modern crises is our: greed, a wrong path, an unnatural and incorrect scale of human values, our thoughts, actions and desires — which serves energy to feed the Dark egregors <Forces>.
Section 4.2. What do people need to be happy.
Block 4.2,1.
— Well, what and how much does a person need to be happy (not a pervert, not a moral freak, but a simple normal person)? Well, not so much …
— First of all, you need your own inner feeling of happiness. And it is achieved by a positive «satisfied» attitude to the current state of one’s own and related affairs, the absence of worries about the past and confidence about the future.
— Materially — not much is needed: this is — an affordable normal housing, normal work, normal (decent) salary (benefits, pensions), normal food and clothing; normal rest and availability of entertainment according to one’s interests; healthy and clean environment. And also — an absolutely affordable opportunity to study, heal and develop (both spiritually and physically).
— For the harmonious development of the personality, important is: a sense of one’s self-worth and, again — confidence in the future.
Feelings of one’s self-worth are mainly given by work; and a worthy and understandable life purpose, and the ways to achieve it.
— Confidence in the future will give: social security in everything and in any circumstances; faith in society and the state.
Block 4.2,2.
— And what does society need for its healthy and happy evolution and harmony in life?
— Society consists of citizens. And the more happy citizens there are, the happier is this society as a whole. Harmonious relationships between people give rise to harmony in society; and healthy ethic (morality, culture, customs and traditions) make society spiritually healthy.
— But a single (supported by the great majority) unifying idea <a single goal and a single path> is also extremely important.
— Social justice is very important for a healthy society: this is equality before the law, the absence of double morals, double values and standards (when the authorities say one thing and do something completely different; when some cashing in on, while others only suffer from it).
— Treatment and education — equally accessible and of equal quality. For money — only additional luxury, comfort, service, etc.
—In justice: the amount of money the subjects have — shouldn’t matter at all. A law-abiding citizen should feel safe and protected, and be proud of its condition, feeling the care. And all what was said above should be felt and provided by the state. After all, it (the state) exists for this, for the citizens happiness and confidence in the future.
— And if something is wrong in the state, then this is a wrong state and it need some changes …
Section 4.3. Struggle between Light and Darkness.
(Personality and masses. Variants of the path of humanity.)
Block 4.3,1.
— It is said: «What does not kill us — makes us stronger.» The spirit and qualities of the spirit are brought up: both in creation and in struggle. But the struggle itself could be different: sometimes it is worthy, but sometimes it is not.
— Our material-physical world is arranged in a such way, that victory and defeats, pain and bitterness of loss, hardships of trials — will always be in our world . And the concepts of good and evil, in this case, are relative. Because there is a food chain in our world where some eat others. What is death and evil for someone — is the food and the continuation of life for others.
— People have a proverb: «You can’t please everyone.» And there are many actions, which are good for someone and are worse for others in the same time.
But all this is the realities of our world, tests and hardening of the spirit. And therefore, what does not go beyond the limits of what is permitted: natural harmony, laws and common sense; does not bring the threat of chaos and the end — is permissible.
For, as it was said, our world is so arranged, that the life in it — is a struggle.
But all this should not violate the harmony of the life of the Universe (in our case — the harmony of the life of the planet).
Block 4.3,2.
— And therefore, we all need to distinguish (very strongly and very concretely) natural, relative, harmonious evil in our world — from the evil complete, absolute, limitless, merciless, insatiable and not fitting into the harmony of balance and creation of life and the World, but striving to destroy them and destroy completely; And, moreover, with the maximum possible suffering inflicted, sadism, cruelty, greed, harm and malevolence.
— If these two evils are considered in principle, at the root, then they are generally — two completely different concepts; simply called «evil» in one word.
— And they are different because: in the first case, it is only a subjective perception of the process of natural life by various participants and observers. (For example: a flock of predators and a herd of buffaloes … Who is evil and who is good — it all depends on the circumstances …)
And in the second case the Evil — is a real spiritual force: Dark (devilish and satanic); and bringing us all the negativity deliberately, cunningly, meanly, deceitfully, thoughtfully — in order to turn everything into chaos and to destroy. For that is its essence. And the destruction of everything is its goal. And the goal matches the essence.
— Well, there are a lot of cases in the numerous languages, when the word is one, but the concepts are different.
Block 4.3,3.
We will remind you once again: — there is a struggle between the Forces of Darkness and Light in our world.
— And the history is made by the Forces (immaterial, spiritual-energetic, single-collective, active-intelligent substances-egregors).
— But we give them the power: our thoughts, actions, dreams, desires, aspirations, goals; who do we serve, who do we believe, who do we support, and who do we reject …
— Since spiritual forces are immaterial (refer to the IC-range), they need material carriers to work in our physical world (MP-range). Such carriers, in the human environment, could be both individuals and human masses (crowd, group, people, etc.).
The carriers can be both — simple conductors of the essence of spiritual forces and executors of their will, and they can be the personification of the essence of these forces (their authorized representatives.) The carriers can be temporary and permanent.
— Since the spirit, information, feelings are primary, then the behavior and actions of the masses and individuals are determined by the spectrum, quantity, strength — the spiritual qualities, feelings, information, desires interacting with them (perceived, rejected, formed, emitted, etc.) ). As a result of all these interactions — goals appear … Well, our physical mind <brain>, as it was proved earlier, is an instrument for achieving these goals in the physical world. But any mind, on the other hand, is exposed to the influence of other minds and itself affects other minds …
— And in all these «brain contractions» the main thing is the direction of thinking. (That is: direction <vector, sector, «corridor»> in which each of the minds thinks and tries to solve the set tasks and to achieve the set goal.)
Block 4.3,4.
Since absolute homogeneity is rare in nature, the main thing is — which of the feelings (Light or Dark) prevail inside the people. It is not in vain that it is said: «God is at war with the devil and the battlefield is the human heart.»
— Well, since «nothing lasts forever under the Moon», then both the individual and the masses can change their feelings, beliefs, views, connections, values, priorities, etc. They can improve themselves and the world around them; or they can degrade and destroy.
— We know that the body is the carrier. But the main thing is our soul <our individualized particle of the One Primordial Spirit, our world-sense-world-consciousness, the essence — our Self>. And therefore the main thing is — who we are in our soul <who we really are>, to which Forces we are more drawn (to the Light or to the Dark), with which egregors the connection is stronger … And the main thing is — what do we emit ourselves: Light or Darkness …
— And then — the impact … Then — the struggle…
— Any human mass (crowd) consists of us — individuals. But there is such a concept: «crowd psychology». In principle, this is a spontaneously arising short-lived egregor … And most important is — which forces dominate in this short-lived egregor; commands of which forces (Light or Dark) this egregor of the crowd is ready to accept and execute …
— If the Light -that is good; if the Dark — resist it … Learn to resist and not let any filth in your soul, in order not to strengthen the Evil. And if you successfully resist the Evil yourself, then help to resist others … And then the psychology of the masses will go into a light and creative channel.
Block 4.3,5.
— Yes, egregors <powers> protect their main representatives from any unnecessary influences, accidents; while the forces <egregors> need those representatives, or until the force <egregor> of the enemy destroys both this protection and the representative that is under it.
— But if something went wrong, then it makes no sense to blame one, at least some leader, for all the troubles. There is a strength of «egregor» behind any leader. And the composition of this force «egregor» — is you … Maybe you succumbed to deception, promises, maybe bought; or maybe you haven’t been able to defeat this power yet; or maybe with your silence, humility and inaction — you gave the opportunity to this force to develop and exist …
— In any case — start accusations from yourself: «Have you done everything so that something does not happen; or enough for something to happen, or change? And what can and should be done ?!»
Block 4.3,6.
— And for the servants of the Dark Forces, we will remind: «Do not forget their dark, non-self-sufficient essence and the need for a constant influx of negative energy …»
— Therefore, it is established among the Dark: as long as an individual, a group, a mass, a crowd — is necessary and while it is possible to use it for this purpose — it is necessary to give them support. And as the need (or opportunity) disappears — trample, destroy, devour! After all, an additional surge of negativity … Alas! Such is their Dark Essence!
— And therefore, no matter how you serve the Dark Forces, no matter how you put things in order in your system, the sphere of activity of influence and responsibility, but the end is the same: everything will fall apart … and they will resume, albeit slightly controlled, but — chaos! Because chaos (confusion, enmity, decay, etc.) gives a greater negative flow than the order. And all the more so that a permanent order in the matter of destruction and demolition is also impossible for the reason, that too quickly there will be nothing to destroy … And they (the Dark Forces) need order temporarily, only to build something quickly (of course at someone else’s expense), so that later it could be destroyed, with great pleasure to Satan…
— In the chaos (even slightly controlled) — neither individuals nor groups cannot be in power for a long time. Chaos — is chaos …
— Sometimes it’s just profitable for the Dark, this process to be stretched in time … But the ending is always the same! And could it be otherwise? Destruction, chaos, bad end — this is the Dark Essence! And so — everything is logical.
— For self-sufficient Light Forces — everything is different. They do not need to devour, trample, destroy any of their own … The energy of life — the Light Forces generate themselves; they themselves create, they themselves improve, they themselves put things in order …
And for further creation (in all ranges of the Universe) the Light Forces need strong, light individual personalities <souls>, tempered in struggle and adversity, uncontrollable to the Forces of Darkness. Such is Their Light Essence!
— In our world, the Light needs a hierarchy: gradual, planned and natural, including positively revolutionary, ascent and development; creation and order.
— Darkness need the controlled (to last it longer) chaos and oligarchy: a clan devoted to Darkness in power, providing a constant stream of negativity (suffering of peoples, nature, Earth …)
— Think about it … Make conclusions … And read on …
Block 4.3,7.
— We have already told you that, unfortunately, in our material-physical range of our planet Earth, the Forces of Darkness rule the basics of World politics and human civilization. And the Light Forces are attacking and fighting: for us <our souls>, for the Earth and the World.
— And one of the strategies of the struggle between them, the Light and Dark Forces, is the struggle for the direction of thinking (both of the whole society and of each person separately).
— After all, in what direction a person and society think — in that direction they go; looking for solutions to all problems and tasks, setting goals, writing laws, creating a scale of values and morality. All their actions, path and goal, are subordinated exactly in the direction in which they think.
— For example, let’s consider a lawsuit:
— There is a trial … A lawyer, a prosecutor, and a judge, and a plaintiff, and a defendant, and witnesses, and experts — all are the participants in the same process … But the motives and goals are different for everyone … And everyone’s thinking goes in its own direction. In life — it’s the same:
— Each Force tries to conduct thinking in the direction, which is necessary for the Force. This is the main source of resources, energy; the power of this Force and the path.
— But the goals, paths — are different for each Force … It’s your choice!
— And the concept — is the direction of thinking of the Light Forces.
Block 4.3,8.
Try to understand and to remember:
— If we will not learn to live in harmony with Nature (neutralize our harm and garbage), take care of Her, honor and observe Her laws — we will perish. (We will die shamefully in own waste.)
— If we will not impose strict birth control all over the planet — we will perish. (From the enormous mass of problems, arising along with the supercritical overpopulation of our planet.)
— If we will not stop killing, robbing, deceiving, humiliating each other; and to serve the Forces of Evil by other similar methods; (Greed, envy, aggression, sadism, cruelty, indifference to someone else’s misfortune, an arms race, a race of material wealth and luxury, in the media — solid negativity, lack of spirituality and the cult of only brute physical strength and money) — we will perish. (Because of an overabundance of negative energies, consequences and results).
— If we will not find new energy sources and new waste-free and environmentally friendly technologies, but if we will follow the lead of modern energy and industrial monopolies (with their greed, temporary benefits, and practical service to the Forces of Darkness) -we will perish.
— Because, in all these cases, the Forces of Evil will win on Earth. And there will be no talk about our further development, about expeditions to other planets !!!
This is not Hollywood action movies about Star Wars, but the real life … With its real laws of the Universe and the real protection of Our Universe from the threats of «Hollywood Evil».
— Among peoples of the world, these natural laws are expressed in proverbs: «What you sow — you reap», «Sow the wind — you reap a storm», «Do good and throw it into the sea» and similar proverbs, fairy tales and parables …
— And from a scientific and a karmic point of view, this is a cause-and-effect chain of actions, leading either to endless development and improvement, or to the degradation and the end … And all this is under the supervision of the Higher Powers …
— Until we will establish total and effective control over the death-carrying parts of the Forces of Darkness, absolutely over all its parts: (organisms, egregors, entities, systems, programs, ideas, etc.) and the epidemics, wars, any lawlessness they carry — we will fight, study, seek, temper, improve and grow up … But, into the distant space, at this time — the way will be closed to us. Quarantine …, and the system for protecting the Universe from Evil …
— The elimination of global threats from Space (if we are all worthy of protection, and we ourselves cannot cope with that threat yet) is the business of God and the Higher Powers (of course, the Light ones). Proof and guarantee is — Their Light Essence.
— When we will change our attitude to Nature (which gave birth to us and gives us the opportunity to live here), to our Mother and Nurse planet Earth; when we will correct our harm and mistakes — all the cataclysms will end .., because there will be no reasons .. created by us … Well, with those elements that remain, we will learn to get along, adapt and defend ourselves …
— And the Apocalypse program will be permanently disabled. And we will follow a new interesting program of the Path of Infinite Development … (In harmony with our native Earth and with unknown secrets in the Space.)
Block 4.3,9.
— As very important, we repeat: «Devil is in the details …»
— As very important, let us repeat, that one of the most favorite techniques of the Dark Forces in the fight against what is dangerous for them is the application of the principle: «Organize and lead» …
And while light souls are building something light, fighting for something light — the Dark Forces quietly and systematically move their representatives «upward» …
— Well, then — the «details»: lies, slander, intrigue, chatter, unnecessary links, double standards, double morality … And then — like a snowball: substitution of all the original slogans, programs, promises and oaths.
And what cannot be substituted — is brought to the point of absurdity in interpretation and implementation.
— And then — open actions for liquidation: with the help of provocations; proven, allegedly ineffective; ruthless repression against the disobedient; terror, blockades and war …
— And this strategy of the Dark Forces must always be taken into account in all political and public life; and stop in time!
— And to summarize:
— Darkness — will lead us to the death and degradation of the spirit <the soul, the essence — ourselves>.
— Life, endless development, reincarnation in our future happy World — gives us Light.
— And for this we need to preserve and improve Our World …
Section 4.4.
Socio-economic models of the structure of society.
(The social system — what is the main thing in it ?!)
Block 4.4,1.
— The history of mankind knows many social systems: primitive communal, slave-owning, feudalism, capitalism, socialism …
— Any social system, in other words, is: «socio-economic model of the structure of society.» And, like any model, it has its main components (parts, details).
— In any system there is an economic component of this system; and there is its social component (relationships between people, groups, classes, etc.).
Both of these constituent parts, in turn, are also just models (one or another mechanism of relationships within society).
— And these two mechanisms are united with each other with the model of state structure and management, with its foreign and domestic policies.
Block 4.4,2.
— The modern (still) view on the fundamentals of relationships in economic models of social systems was best described by Karl Marx.
These are: money — commodity — money (including all variations).
And — the decisive, determining, the main role plays the form of ownership of the means of production: private, collective, or state (including all variations).
— Well, in fact, is it really so extremely important who is the owner of the means of production: either a private person, or a collective, or the state ?!
— After all, any economic model, and any form of ownership can be changed as you like with the network of laws, taxes and rules — : up to complete change beyond recognition; when formal ownership: a factory, land, transport, etc. — will not play any role !!!
— Both the economic component of the social system and the model of state structure and administration — with the same network of laws, taxes and rules — can also be changed, reformed, transformed, as you like in any direction.
— It turns out that all this: both the form of ownership and the ruling class are not the main thing.
Most important are — the laws and rules in a society, by which it (society) lives; what it accepts and what it rejects; what honors and what aspires to.
Block 4.4,3.
Well, what is the main thing then?
What forms, supports and nourishes the foundation and the very all-encompassing basis of any social order? What gives rise to and what dictates the foundations of public morality, ideology, laws and behavior?
— We know: the primary is the Spirit!
— And this means that the main thing, in any socio-economic and political structure of society, <social system>, is its spiritual component basis <spiritual and ethical content of society (system)>.
That means, the main thing is — which Spiritual Power in this society (system, regime) is dominating <controlling> — Light or Dark.
— For a better understanding, we will give one paradoxical and shocking example:
— All sane people on the planet know that fascism <nazism> — is bad. Everyone knows and remembers the atrocities of the Second World War, that the fascists <nazis> committed to people, whom they ranked among the lowest inferior races and nationalities. And no one sane will doubt that the spiritual and ethical content of these nazi <fascist> regimes was spiritually dark. That is, the Spirit of Evil <Forces of Darkness> was dominated …
— And now let’s change the spiritual and ethical content of these Nazi regimes: from Dark to Light … And let’s say: «You are a Nazi! You belong to the Highest Nation. You are above everyone. You are the best. They are plebeians from lower nations, races , castes, nationalities — can behave like barbarians: offend, humiliate, mock; kill old people, women, children; burn, destroy, bring grief and death … You are a Nazi !!! You — cannot do like that !!! For you are higher them them, better than them, and by your behavior you should give them an example: how the higher races behave !!! «
— Paradoxical — but true!
— And once again we have proved to you: the main thing is Spiritual Forces; the main thing is — what at the head: Forces of Light or Forces of Darkness … And therefore, for each of us, the main thing — is our soul and on which side it is …
Block 4.4,4.
— And now let’s ask ourselves the question: «Why, while they rule, Dark Forces are satisfied with not socialism or feudalism, but capitalism?» Why exactly do they everywhere praising, propagandizing, and claiming that capitalism as an eternal system?!
— After all, as they say «and the horse understands» that inherent in capitalism constant unhealthy competition , hostility, deceptions, wars …, in short: personal gain — at any cost, and unlimited personal consumption, unlimited personal accumulation; and, of course, all this to the detriment of others — cannot continue forever!!! So why? — We give the answer:
— In the modern official dominant scale of values, the main thing is — the material wealth. And capitalism, with its spirit of entrepreneurship and brain stimulation, from the point of view of the production of all these material goods — is more productive, than feudalism and the rest of the lower kinds of order. On the other hand, the spiritual basis of modern capitalism, its moral and ethical content, the essence of this system is — the competition between people (any, cruel — for the purpose of profit).
The unwritten slogan <motto> of capitalism is: «Dog eat dog.» In Latin: «Homo homini lupus est». It literally means — «man to man — is a wolf». And to cash in on someone else’s labor, property, grief, need — is justified and legal.
— And what is the main thing for a non-self-sufficient Dark Force?
— The main thing for it, is: a huge stream of negativity … because this is its food and essence. And if the motto «dog eat dog» <man to man — is a wolf> lays in the basis of relationships, then the negative flow is huge and guaranteed.
— And this negative stream is much amplified by negative streams in the media. Well, if it still succeeds (with the help of slander, provocation, deception, religious fanaticism, terrorism, nationalism, racism, fascism, pseudo-revolutionism, etc.) to unleash some kind of war, drive people into slavery, misfortune, want, enmity, wild Middle Ages…
— Here is a great holiday for the Dark Forces.
— Well, in more progressive models of social systems: from socialism and higher — the main moral and ethical principle is completely different: «Man is a friend, comrade and brother to man.» And the exploitation of other people’s labor, needs and misfortunes, for personal gain is not welcome at all…
— Do the Dark Forces need it?
Where is the «great flow of negativity» ?! Just the «brook», or a «little stream» …
— So it is necessary (for the Dark Forces) to slander such a system, to destroy it, to prevent it from gaining strength; bring to the point of absurdity and change completely, beyond recognition; so, that there would be no attraction and no dream …
— And how can the Dark Forces do this? — Just as always:
— To try to lead on their own; try to organize it and to direct on the necessary Dark channel… And then — to destroy, according to the above described and more than once worked out scheme of the Dark Forces struggle with the advancing Light …
— And it’s time, oh, it’s time — to unite into a single Light Force: to all, spiritually strong individuals, who do desire the Light.
Maybe someone will think that he (she) is not worthy … But the main thing is to choose the path. And walk along it. Till the end. The rest — time will tell.
— The main thing is to remember: all material accumulations are temporary; and spiritual accumulations remain with us and in us, practically — forever.
Section 4.5. New social order — Homonism.
Block 4.5,1.
— We all live in different places, states. With different models of economy, government, morality, laws …
— But we are all human. We all are the earthlings. And we live on the same planet with the name «Earth».
— And therefore it is necessary to unite not only on the basis of party, class, religious, national, property and similar principles (although this is also necessary); but most important, the main unification in the name of life on the whole Earth — should take place according to moral and ethical principles.
— After all, everyone knows that good people and bad people are everywhere: in any parties, castes, nationalities, etc. — this must be taken into account.
Block 4.5,2.
— A new unifying system on the Earth (to which we must strive now, at this stage of evolution, at this stage of concepts and the alignment of forces) we will call — the Homonism, which means: Human system. That is: a system worthy of the high title of Human.
— And the adherents and builders of this system, we will call — the Homonists.
— The main task of the Homonists (when building a new unifying system on the Earth, Homonism) is, in all states, in all existing systems — to replace the spiritual and ethical content from the Dark to the Light.
And if something in the systems is incompatible with the Light and represents an obvious Evil — it must be changed, removed, transformed … We must fight and win.
Block 4.5,3.
— It is necessary to develop civilization by the way, which will provide to humanity (and therefore to own immortal soul in future incarnations) the Path of Infinite Development and a worthy Bright Future of the Earth. In contrast to the modern principles of the development of civilization, which are leading to its inevitable death. And for this we need:
— To recognize the main value that gives life for all of us — the Living Nature of the planet Earth.
— Spiritual values have to be recognized as the main human values; moral and ethical qualities of its (persons) soul. (All the more, this is true: after all, you will not take money or gold with you to the Subtle World.)
— To recognize that: the main path of human development — is spiritual, harmonious with Nature, Light and — endless …
— The material benefits of civilization (their development and improvement), are also necessary, of course; but they (these benefits) must harmoniously fit into all the principles of Homonism, and not run counter to them. This implies the need to transform the basic scale of values:
— The main place in the new scale will be occupied by spiritual values (including positive spiritual development: both for each individual and society as a whole). Material and consumer values will not disappear, but fade into the background …
— In relationships between people: instead of the concepts «man to man — is a wolf», and therefore «every man for himself» — to introduce the concepts: «Man to man is a friend, comrade and brother»; which means “help in trouble is obligatory and selfless”, which means “mutual help is natural”, which means a new motto and concept: “Each is for the other”. The relationship under this motto, under this new concept «Each is for the other» — leads to a harmonious circular process of mutual assistance and the development of a happy and healthy, strong and confident in the future society.
— And the notion, that the planet Earth is our Mother, Nurse, Life and Nature; and the highest material value — this concept should «be absorbed into us with mother’s milk», at all levels (including moral, genetic and all others).
— Only in this way will we carry out the transformation of a consumer society, into a society of creation.
Only in this way will we be able to leave the program of the Apocalypse and switch to the program of the Infinite Path of Development.
Block 4.5,4.
— As a symbol of Homonists, we propose to accept:
— A multi-colored circle, or any other multi-colored figure that successfully and extensively reflects the meaning of this ideology.
— And after the significant development of the Homonist movement in the states, these symbols can be placed against the background of most of the flags existing in the world.
Section 4.6.
Imperfection of modern economics and socio-economic policy.
Block 4.6,1.
At the end of the twentieth — the beginning of the twenty-first centuries, crises in various sectors of the economy go in a continuous stream, leading to global economic crises.
— Why actually???
— Let’s assume that there is a crisis in metallurgy: more metal is produced than consumed; factories stop, workers are fired, wages are not paid. The metallurgists no longer have the money to buy food, buy clothes and household appliances, pay for electricity, fuel, utilities, go on a tourist trip, and so on … Trade and payments are frozen …And although: food and clothing, equipment and electricity, everyone would be enough; but in fact, everyone begins to miss; but in reality — everything deteriorates and stays in warehouses. But in fact — in all these sectors of the economy, a crisis is also developing. Enterprises also stop, workers are also fired, there is also no money and no salaries. The crisis is affecting more and more sectors of the economy. There is no money to produce basic necessities … There is no money to produce food and plant a crop …
(In fact: in some places, some people, for a while,would be paid some kind of unemployment benefits; in some places, some people would be given some state subsidies; Some would be given more or less profitable loans under state guarantee… But all these measures would, only slightly and temporarily, soften the circumstances of the global economic crisis, growing like a snowball. For all these measures are aimed at mitigating the consequences and do not eliminate the causes.)
— And, no matter how paradoxical it sounds, but, for the overall global economic system, it would be much more profitable to continue paying the same salary to metallurgists, who are not working (because of the crisis), in order to prevent the spreading of crisis to other sectors of the economy.
— Now let’s take and consider another example:
— When gathered super-rich harvests of grains, oilseeds, citrus fruits, legumes, etc.; or when milk or meat is produced in large quantities …
The healthy logic of a healthy civilization suggests: «Feed the hungry; create stocks; improve the quality of products (by selecting the best parts of raw materials), and the rest — for processing, for livestock feed and for the production of organic, environmentally friendly fertilizers …»
— But no … The «excess» harvest and «excess» milk and meat products are destroyed !!! To keep prices from falling. Because, in the current model of the economy, such a drop in prices: for someone — is a path to collapse and ruin, and for someone — is just a drop in profits (although these profits, they have already accumulated, are so huge, that neither they, nor their descendants will not be able to spend it all on themselves). Of course, the interests of us, all members of the society — are not taken into account.
— We gave two examples. Only two … What kind of perfection, harmony, common sense and sane economic science, can we talk here ?! To put it in simple words: «Not the economics, but some kind of madhouse …» Stupid wrong economics.
Block 4.6,2.
— The entire economic system, as a whole, can be regarded as a single peculiar organism … But if the economic system itself <model> is an organism, then financial flows in it are, relatively speaking, — a kind of circulatory system of this organism.
After all, finance <monetary funds> is, so to speak,the feeding of the sectors <organs> of the economic. Good food — the sector is working and developing; bad food — the sector shrinks, slows down in development; no food — the sector <organ> of the economic organism, ceases its activity <existence>, turns off.
For the resuscitation and restoration of such a disabled organ, a sufficient infusion of <economic blood> is necessary.
— To manage the entire economics <the entire economic organism> (except for the issues of raw materials, labor resources, safety and environmental issues, etc.), is also necessary to manage competently and effectively the financial flows <the circulatory system of the economic>. And this, at this stage of development, is, perhaps, the most important thing.
— Currently, banks play the most important role in the «circulatory» system of the economics; most of them are commercial. And the modern goal of all commercial banks is — to accumulate as much currency «financial» funds, as possible <economic blood>. And all of their (bank’s) actions, plans, aspirations are aimed precisely at achieving their main goal.
So it turns out that banks, which, according to the logic of things, should be a regulating nodes of «blood flow» in this system, and be fully interested in uninterrupted «blood supply» to the entire economic organism — in fact, are interested in collecting all this «blood» for themselves. And if at least they give to somebody a little of «blood», then for the sole purpose of taking back much more of this «blood» …
— But, the immense accumulation of blood in one place leads to the exsanguination of the whole organism in other places, to the disease of the whole organism and even to its death.
— But, as they say: «what is the disease — so is the treatment.» That is: in the repair of a dark system (stupidity can’t be made of light), dark methods and tools are also used:
— Inflation saves the situation a little (the rise in prices makes it necessary to print more money, thereby increasing the total volume of «blood») …
— The interposition of the state financial system, which produces emissions, interventions and the like, helps a little …
— Preparation for the war saves the situation a little: the state forces to make «revitalizing infusions» into the military-industrial complex, which is practically connected with all other sectors of the economic.
— But most of all the war saves. When the «blood of the economic» is withdrawn from the storehouses <places of unnecessary hemorrhages> and sent into an action, into circulation. And the bigger is the war — the better…
— Inverted world … And the same morals … But, alas, this is the truth of today.
— Well, after that, everything is the same again: accumulation in banks, before the new crisis …
— Each crisis, at the same time, can become the last: either the entire economy will perish, or the war will get out of control and destroy everyone …
— And therefore:
— The main task of all banks and the entire banking system should not be the task of accumulating as much «blood» as possible in their stores, but a thoughtful and effective distribution of this «economic blood» throughout the economic organism, in order to improve the life of people and the planet as a whole …
— In a market economy model, this is practically unrealistic. A planned economy model and planned distribution of financial flows are required.
Block 4.6,3.
— Actually, what is the financial distribution <distribution of financial flows>?
— This is the stimulation of this or that sector <organ> of the economy; that is: permission for their launch and operation, or prohibition.
— The finance <money> is, at the same time, blood «nutrients» for the body of the economy, and means <levers> of influence on all subjects <organs> of the economy.
— At present, the main world monetary means of assessments and settlements <world currency> is — the US dollar <FRS banknote>. But if earlier the US dollar was backed by gold (and, on demand, could be exchanged for this gold, or at least for values equivalent to gold), now, this dollar is not backed by anything!
— And therefore: no matter what they say, but the modern US dollar is, in principle, an ordinary painted piece of paper … And it is written on it, that the value of «this piece of paper» is determined by a free tender (that is: exchange currency games «trading» and similar tricks). If you all value this piece of paper, and everyone agrees to give or do something for it, it will be worth something until then … But if all of you would not agree, or some very powerful force would not agree — and that’s it! .. The end of both the piece of paper and the whole pyramid !!!
Block 4.6,4.
— But who issues US dollars, and who controls this issue (that is — the number of banknotes put into circulation)?
— The so-called Federal Reserve System (abbreviated: FRS) prints US dollars, and controls their release into circulation, at its discretion. (That is why it is written with a small font on US dollars: «Federal reserve note»).
— Well, what is this FRS — in principle?
— In principle, it is a private company that dictates its own rules and conditions, practically, to the entire planet; the main manipulator and puppeteer of most of the events taking place:
— If they wanted something to happen somewhere — they sent there a couple of suitcases of their «wrappers» — and that’s all … If a couple of suitcases are not enough — they will send a couple of wagons … Expenses: to cut the paper, to paint it «under the stencil» and to deliver … That’s all. The job is done and, whoever needs it — is chained on a solid «debt chain»…
— In practice, the FRS is — the basis of the Shadow World Government.
There are no wars, revolutions and crises without their direct participation.
And so-called international terrorism is generally impossible without their support and funding. (Long time ago people noticed, that they are blowing up not «the powers that be», but innocent citizens).
— There is an adage: «each medal has two sides»:
— It may be, that they (the FRS <Shadow World Government>) want to do something good, positive … It is possible, that by inventing international terrorism <the image of a common enemy for all states at the same time> and financing it, they thus want to avoid nuclear war between the states…
— May be by thinking up and creating local wars (interstate and civil) — they want to thus reduce the number of people on the planet .., to avoid global economic crises .., and, having seized power and management of all energy deposits, they try to ensure that they have enough energy for a longer term … It is possible that in their morality, all this is — a blessing …
— But! They themselves are the hostages of their own line of thinking:
— Consumption, greed and lust for power; personal accumulation and personal gain — for the sake of personal accumulation and personal gain; wars — for the satisfaction of personal pride … So much stupidity and suffering — for the sake of simple self-affirmation … And everywhere and in everything — playing on a lowest feelings, and the raising of the vile to the highest rank …
— And who benefits from it: negative, lowest feelings-energies?
— Of course, this is beneficial only to non-self-sufficient Dark Forces.
— And if this process will not be changed, then Everything will perish! (With the members of the Federal Reserve System and the Shadow World Government, with their relatives, friends, servants and descendants — including.)
Block 4.6,5.
— Sooner or later, but the World Shadow Government, together with the FRS, will have to completely collapse the US dollar, depreciating it many thousands of times … And introduce, instead of the US dollar, a new «private» world currency, prepared in advance and accumulated at home.
— This is necessary in order, firstly: to devalue <practically cancel> those debts, that no one can ever pay off (because of their extra astronomical unrealistic amounts).
— And secondly: to finally privatize and subjugate the entire world economy <the whole world> … Well, then — everything will follow the old channel … That is — again on the way to the End of the World …
— But no… We are not that stupid… After all, as they say, “six of one and half a dozen of the other” (same thing only different)… In order to survive — you need to change the very principles of the entire functioning of the modern world economy; including modern financial principles.
Block 4.6,6.
At the present stage, during economic crises, a massive layoff of employees takes place at the enterprises, which are suffering from the crisis.
— We have already said that it would be better if the state would pay them the same salary; and then the crisis would spread less …
— It seems that some states have already partially understood this and began to pay: at least someone, at least some kind of cash allowance — at least for some period.
— A person does not work and receives money… Does not work at a time, when we have done such a sever thing on the planet .. that during the life of several generations we will have to restore the planet’s initial ecological cleanliness and natural order… (This is an ill-conceived, imperfect system…)
— And what have to do those people, who have lost their job and left without any benefits; without a livelihood and without a home; without the ability to feed their family, their children and themself? …
— What is their way out? Begging ? … Someone will do this … Look for a new job at a new place? … Someone would do this … But that job would still be not enough for everyone.
— What will the others do? Everyone would commit a suicide? No!
— They would go to steal, rob, kill; would join the gangs, terrorists, mercenaries, killers …
— They would take revenge on our wild society, where, at best, we demand the shelter for homeless dogs — and, at the same time, treat hungry homeless people with contempt… They would take revenge on society, and society is — we! Each of us! And each of us, or our loved ones, can fall under this revenge. And who should we blame?
— Well, how much state funds (our taxes) will be spent on the fight against crime and terrorism? …
— And the officials (who steal), they will simply say: «Yes, it is not a sin to steal from such a society» — and, in part, they will be right. It is not for nothing that it is said that «every nation is worthy of its government.»
— And the absence, in some countries, of a pension system and systems of social guarantees and social protection — leads to uncontrolled population growth in these countries and regions. (Because a person has no other choice: only to create at least some guarantees for itself in the future in case of illness and old age — by creating a large number of close relatives; at least one of them will take care of this person).
And a critical overpopulation even in one place — leads to many problems in other places. The modern problem of migrants is a direct confirmation of this. Therefore, in socio-economic policy — everything also needs to be changed.
Block 4.6,7.
— Is it profitable to pollute the nature?
— Today — yes! And what losses and expenses await us tomorrow? (And any «tomorrow» will turn into «today».)
— The attitude to ecology must also be radically changed!
— Let’s take stock market games, the purpose of which is: the enrichment of the most cunning, shrewd, sagacious, «drones», who do nothing useful and do not produce anything :
— Stock exchange game — GAME !!! These are not logical and necessary actions for the benefit of the entire population of <people, country, humanity>. The bottom line is the same — gambling for money as playing cards and the like.
But the worst thing in this stock exchange game is, that people who are not at all involved in this game (work collectives, regions and states) — become its hostages.
And this is much more terrible and many times more dangerous than any casinos, «scams», gambling, etc.
— So why, the attitude towards these things ranges from disapproving to criminally punishable, but nothing alike toward the stock exchanges?
Does the healthy economy need a stock market game ?
And the game must be a GAME … Without hostages … We do not live in a slave system …
— And what is the difference between the trafficking of athletes and human trafficking? …
— In general, we think that you understand: — The entire economy and socio-economic policy should be changed. And immediately!
Section 4.7.
Foundations of the new economy and socio-economic policy.
Block 4.7,1.
— It follows from everything analyzed and proven above: that, in order to save the entire modern human civilization (heading towards inevitable death), is necessary a complex reboot <revision, improvement, change> of all its economic foundations, almost all of its laws and the entire scale of values ( personal national and planetary).
— Therefore, to begin with, let’s ask ourselves a question and let’s decide:
— What are we going to build?
— Think! Decide …
— Who is with us — have already decided:
— We will build Homonism! (The system, which is worthy of the high title of Human, socially just and harmonious with the nature of planet Earth.)
— The question: — What forms of ownership will we rely on?
— We answer: — As already mentioned, the forms of ownership, by themselves, do not play a particularly decisive role. Everything is regulated by the spiritual-ethical <moral-ethical> and legislative bases.
— Therefore, all forms of ownership are acceptable (at least- at the present stage).
— The principles of social justice and environmental harmony — we will regulate with the network of laws, standards, taxes and rules. (All this will be described below.)
— The question: — What model of the economy will we take as a basis and will develop: market, planned, or some other?
— Before answering, let’s conduct a brief analysis of various economic models:
— Market economy — reacts very quickly to any changes, but only after these changes have already taken place; therefore, the market economy cannot impede the onset of the crisis.
— Planned economy — plans everything in advance, therefore, it can withstand the impending crisis; as it plans and implements anti-crisis measures in advance; or rather — plans so, that crises are generally excluded. But, the planned economy, going strictly according to the plan, is very inert and not agile, relative to the rapidly changing external factors.
— Therefore, the golden mean is — in an economic model with analytical and planned economic control (abbreviated: APEC). That is: everything is analyzed. And, based on these analyzes, the strategy and tactics of economic activity are planned; this is the law.
But within the framework of this and other laws, entrepreneurial activity «initiative» is permissible, as the basis of a market economy.
— Then, all negative manifestations that arise will be neutralized by the systems of reserves and stimulation, which will be described below.
— And then — the specific principles of a comprehensive reboot:
Block 4.7,2.
— The scourge of modern society is unemployment <«surplus people»>. And this, as already mentioned, is — deprivation, suffering, crime, moral decay, uncertainty about the future, instability and other problems. This phenomenon, as already mentioned, is unprofitable from the economic point of view and unacceptable from the moral and ethical «spiritual and ethical» point of view.
— To eliminate unemployment, we do the following:
— We create the State Reserve Service, which includes a network of State Reserve Enterprises: these are public works; and strengthening of service sectors; and own projects using all kinds of schedules and forms of working conditions (including the rotational work method, for travel to work in other regions and even states).
— In the State Reserve Service (abbreviated:SRS) and in its State Reserve Enterprises (abbreviated: SRE) there will be two kinds of staff:
— One kind of staff — permanent (consisting of the permanent staff members of the GRS — SRE).
The other kind of staff — «flexible» (consisting of the reserve employees, with constant «staff turnover»).
— Applying for a job in the SRE as a reserve employee and dismissal — are voluntary, and, on the part of the SRE, they are trouble-free (that is, you cannot be denied a job in the SRE as the «flexible» <reserve> staff, nor in dismissal of it) … But the working conditions are negotiated.
(For example: if you live alone and go from the village to the rotation — who will look after the house and farm? These issues should be solved by the SRS, which provided you with such a work schedule; Because: Behind the SRS — stay the state, which should foresee everything, analyze, to plan, finance and arrange. The state is for citizens. And not vice versa.)
The pay of «reserve employees», in any cases, should not be lower than the real official subsistence minimum and higher — depending on the work and working conditions. This will create healthy competition for unscrupulous businesses that mistreat their employees; and employees will be able to leave such an enterprise without fear of starvation.
(We remind you once again: all possible nuances are regulated by thoughtful laws and controlled by honest regulatory bodies; including self-government bodies, analysis and planning bodies, trade unions, courts, etc.)
— If someone wants to engage in private business — please! Pay the taxes, obey the laws, and — go for it …
— But the one who does not have legal benefits, and therefore — the legal grounds, simply does not want to work, but wants to live at the expense of others — is a lawbreaker. Because the law will prohibit: both unemployment and parasitism.
— And therefore: for parasites, alcoholics, drug addicts, petty thieves and swindlers, the so-called compulsory medical and labor dispensaries will be opened; where they will be treated and tamed to socially useful labor.
— This whole system described above — leads to the work of a simple socio-economic formula:
— If there is a surplus of personnel in the production sphere — personnel are transferred to the non-production sphere … If in the production sphere, there is a shortage of personnel — their inflow goes from the non-production sphere … And no paralyzing crisis phenomena occur.
And besides, in the still operating imperfect economy of human civilization, there are a lot of things that need to be done immediately, but this is economically not profitable today. Well, for example, the same cleaning of nature of garbage … So after all, instead of just paying the unemployed the benefits and producing the phenomena of the crisis, of course, it is more profitable (even according to all market laws) — to give people the opportunity to work and get at least something from it.
Block 4.7,3.
— So, the money — is the universal equivalent of accounting for the value of all things, work, savings, losses. And the monetary unit (any) — is a conventional unit of such accounting. It (a monetary unit) can be backed by gold, can be backed by all the property of the state, or maybe, in fact — backed by nothing at all; like the modern US dollar and other currencies.
But this conventional monetary unit is also a «key and fuel» to launch any modern economic mechanism and the entire economy as a whole.
— Well, if the unit is conditional, then why should the economy of a state (of any kind) depend precisely on the number of «painted wrappers» <US dollars and other currencies>?
After all, pure logic dictates what needs to be done in the same way as the Soviet Union did in the twentieth century:
— In addition to the cash national monetary unit, make a non-cash monetary unit of universal accounting: for non-cash payments between enterprises within the state, which will lead to the launch of an economy slowed down by the crisis.
— Everything is very simple:
— The State Bank <Central Bank>, according to the decree of the analytical planning body of the state, deposits the required amount of non-cash money (non-cash euros, or dollars, or hrivnias, etc.) into the accounts of enterprises.
And the economy starts to work. To the extent of its capabilities and development, but — it is working !!!
— And the same State Bank, according to the decree of the same analytical planning body of the state, decides and sets the rate of domestic conversion of the non-cash national currency — into cash, which is used to pay salaries, make foreign payments, etc. (This cash national currency can also be used in non-cash payment options, for example, in electronic form).
Simply, in any state, two types of national currencies are introduced:
— Cash and non-cash, to protect their state interests.
— Of course — for this type of economy, it is better for the state to be as self-sufficient as possible. That is, to have sufficient resources for the fullest possible economic autonomy, or to produce something that would be in demand abroad and would bring sufficient profit to the state treasury.
— Therefore, in the future, it will be simply necessary for all states of the world (taking into account all the historical, mental, economic, social and other aspects and levels of their development). In order to achieve maximum self-sufficiency — to unite in the Economic Unions, for the possibility of effective introduction of the Union non-cash currency, for a more successful solution of their personal and general tasks.
Block 4.7,4
— So, as we found out, in order to overcome the consequences of the World economic crisis, launch some state economies, and their successful independent functioning, it is advisable and necessary to introduce into the financial flows of the state — the second type of a monetary unit, namely: Non-cash state monetary unit; The release of which and control over its turnover is carried out by state planning and economic bodies. And this automatically provides for the leading, dominant role of the Central State Bank and its extensive state branches.
— Then the question arises: — What to do with commercial banks and other commercial investors? After all, it is well known that «breaking over the knee» of any well-oiled economic mechanism leads to chaos (albeit temporary) in the entire economy. Is it possible to do without «excesses» and carry out a civilized transformation <reorganization, change, modernization, reboot> of the outdated market system of commercial banks and other investment structures? We answer: — It is possible!
— Commercial credit investment financing of industries and entities — it is possible provided that the profits of banks and investors from these operations should be «tightly tied» to the profit and profitability of the industries, entities, enterprises financed by them; and make up a certain agreed percentage of the profits of these enterprises. The banks will receive this percentage of the profits of enterprises until they return the loan amount and the additional interest agreed on the loan.
— As you can see, the main commercial principle: making a profit is observed … But, according to the outdated modern scheme, the bank does not care how to get its profit. Very often it is profitable for the bank: to give the subject a loan, and then ruin it (the subject), bankrupt, appropriate property, sell again …
— And according to the new scheme, the collapse and bankruptcy of such entities will not be profitable for the bank. Because then, the bank will receive nothing. Because (within the framework of social justice) have to be introduced a law, according to which the property of bankrupt and closed enterprises will go to those, who will provide new work for all employees of the closed enterprise, and employees will agree to it.
— So, the new owners of the bankrupt and closed enterprises will be mainly the state represented by the State Reserve Service.
— But commercial banks, for the insurance of their operations, can jointly create insurance systems, information and analytical systems that can closely cooperate with similar government systems.
— But, nothing shall be as it was before:
— That is — profit — only for the bankers and banks; and losses — only on the shoulders of the ordinary people … And where is a social justice?
— And Homonism is — a socially just system.
Block 4.7,5.
— Banks are the part of the «circulatory system» …
And not the «circulatory system» should command, but the Brain Center …
— And, as a such a Brain Center is proposed: A unified state service for collecting information, analyzing, coordinating, planning, financing and monitoring of all types of activities. Abbreviated: State Control Center (SCC).
— For the control over joint-stock companies — the introduction of a mandatory «State Golden Share» with a «veto» right in all joint-stock companies, operating in the state, without exception.
— To counteract the main vice: greed, and the economic manifestation of this vice: inflation — it is necessary to establish the state control over the sources of all price and value chains; and then — the strictly limited permitted interest markups… Moreover, if it is said that the maximum trade markup should not exceed, for example, 50% of the manufacturer’s price, then it should not be exceeded, regardless of the number of the resellers.
— Within the framework of economic, social justice — the creation of grids of strict interdependence of all salaries and incomes:
— Salaries of state employees — there is a certain percentage of state revenues.
— The salaries of the bosses — are strictly dependent on all the salaries of their subordinates.
— Payment of dividends on shares — on a residual basis.
(Well, how then, for example, within the framework of social justice and free non-commercial medicine, to avoid: equalization in the salaries of ordinary and excellent doctors? Answer: — Well, firstly, we can introduce «coupons-questionnaires» of strict accountability affecting salaries; secondly, the scale of values will gradually change — and being respected in society as an excellent specialist doctor will be more prestigious, more comfortable, more honorable than being just a doctor …)
— And, the grid of interdependence of the comfort of life of officials and those in power, and the comfort of life of the people — should also be introduced in some states, where the gap between the rich and the poor is simply enormous …
Block 4.7,6.
— Still, the market economy, keeping the manufacturer in constant competitive tension, greatly stimulates his intellectual activity aimed at improving and updating the products; and to the reduction of the cost of its production, to increase competitiveness. For the standard of living of the manufacturer himself — depends on this.
— A planned economy makes it possible, so to speak, to relax in this regard and not really care about the issues of competitiveness of products and services.
— Then what should be done to stimulate the improvement of services and products in a planned economy?
— In the Soviet Union in the twentieth century, this problem was partly solved by the development of socialistic competition between different manufacturers. (With the encouragement of the winners, mainly in non-material and moral forms; well, material as well.) And the State Acceptance controlled the quality, guided by the already existing State quality standards. And in the prestigious and especially important for the state industries, such as space exploration, the stake was placed on self-awareness, pride in the company and the country; and high material incentives. This positive experience of the USSR of the twentieth century — can be used in the foundations of the new economy and socio-economic policy.
— But it will still be expedient and very important: to introduce a system of so-called virtual leading standards. These are the future standards of the: quality, comfort, energy saving, cost price, design, and the like, for all types of products and services. All, without exception, manufacturers must: either reach these standards, before a certain time deadline; or constantly reduce the cost of manufactured products and services.
But environmental requirements and standards — should only be constantly raised, and unconditionally fulfilled by everyone.
Section 4.8.
Foundations of the new jurisprudence of the <legal system of Homonism>.
Block 4.8,1.
— In a just state of law, there must be fair: laws, rights and obligations, justice and judicial system.
Of course, the main thing, as we have already proved to you, is the Light spiritual and ethical filling of the entire legal system; and judicial system as well.
— Homonism is a fair system, harmonious with nature, and — Light.
And in light of this, it is necessary to change, improve and supplement — the entire jurisprudence of all states. System reboot is as follows:
Block 4.8,2.
— At the heart of the trial,=process, in most states, today — is the principle of a competitive <adversarial> duel between defense and prosecution …
And there should be — a general principle of establishing truth and justice. (It’s natural and elementary.)
— And for this, the main thing is: in all legal foundations and legal proceedings — to exclude absolutely: the influence of money and connections on the course of these processes; on the establishment of truth and justice; and on the verdict.
— And therefore: release on bail — should be excluded. Because: if one has stolen and hidden a lot — he (she) can easily pay off. And if one has stolen a little — «stay in jail»!
— And therefore: paid lawyers are unacceptable. Because: those who have more money (including money obtained by illegal means) have greater opportunities for their protection, justification and mitigation of punishment.
And prosecutors, looking at lawyers (who make money on the investigation and trial) — start taking bribes.
And the judges, looking at lawyers and prosecutors, also begin to make decisions that depend on the amount of their personal remuneration and on the personal benefit received.
So what, in such a situation, should the law enforcement and investigative bodies do ??! …
— And therefore: both the Bar and the Prosecutor’s Office — must be an equal state structures and to receive a state salary.
— If prosecutors can be appointed by various government bodies, the judges and chief regional lawyers should be elected by direct popular vote. ( The rest of the Bar staff should be recruited by the elected regional lawyers themselves.)
— We can also add, that in most difficult and serious cases, one single judge — is still not enough: people’s assessors are needed; or judges — from three judges or more … Because, due to the specifics of realities in some states, jury trials play a very ambiguous role there, mainly due to the lack of professionalism of the jury …
Block 4.8,3.
— Different states have different structures of law enforcement and investigative bodies with the different names: these are the militia, and the police, and investigative committees, bureaus, and so on. But all models of law enforcement agencies need three essential additions.
— Firstly: the creation of criminal history departments — to investigate the crimes of the past. (And not with the aim of revenge and the like. Just because unsolved crimes — should not be in principle.)
— Secondly: the creation of departments of the assistance for the citizens in non-standard situations <departments of kindness>. (For example: money, documents, clothes — were stolen from someone on the way; someone lagged behind the train, etc. The police,= the militia — must help.)
— Thirdly: the state legal special forces, of course — have the right to hide their faces behind the masks, they have the right to act instantly and quickly without presenting of the documents and the like. But they must have personal identification marks of the soldier <employee>, for example — clearly distinguishable numbers; for the possibility, in the case of intra-service or judicial investigations — to establish the actions of everyone.
Block 4.8,4.
— All world intelligence services are engaged in, actually, the same activities: intelligence, counterintelligence, and special operations (including the collection of information, analysis, forecast, development and actions). And all this in the vector of a given topic, a set goal or a command. And all this — is in favor of those, who specifically pay these special services (including those, from whom specifically these special services receive profit).
Of course, all these actions aimed at the detriment of the opponents of the clans, which pays money to the special services.
And there is no question of any real (and, therefore, ideological and disinterested) service to the interests of their peoples, and even more so — to the interests of planet Earth.
— Of course, in every special service (almost everyone), there is a part of disinterested ideological employees. But we are talking about structures in general …
— And in general, in the special services — changes are needed:
— For the system of special services of the states which are building the Homonism — a single new main goal should be set: ensuring security, harmony and infinity of the development of human civilization on the planet Earth.
This means, that the priority in the work of the special services — should be the issues of environmental harmony and safety of all human activities. Not forgetting that the human — is a link (and one of the main ones) in the infinite living. And to identify, prevent, change, transform, suppress everything, that interferes with this harmony and security… This is: the environmental safety of developments and production, the corruption, the shadow economy, organized crime, the terrorism; and the spiritual and ethical content of all projects, ideas … But certainly not the discredit of the competitors and political opponents …
— Therefore, the selection of employees for the state special services must be carried out from a psychological point of view: not according to the principles of a «cunning dog», but according to the spiritual and ethical principles; recruiting conscious, staunch and intelligent «warriors of Light», ideological fighters against the Forces of Darkness, for a happy future for their peoples and planet Earth, as a whole.
Block 4.8,5.
— Considering the issues of legislation and law, we can confidently assert, that the laws cannot foresee all of the possible situations.
— Therefore: in the courts, in the legal proceedings and in the actions of government bodies — there should be: the rule of law, morality and common sense — leading to the establishment of the truth and the adoption of a fair decision.
— This requires a social and analytical examination of all laws for their compliance with the norms and principles of social justice. Homonism — is a socially just system.
— (We must remember that the Dark Forces will interfere and do everything for the greatest possible additional extraction of negative energy-feelings. This is their food …)
— Therefore, in order to maintain justice and to possess the ability to have the moral right to punish a person for minor offenses, it is necessary: to achieve the absence of the homeless people, hungry, naked and forgotten by all, abandoned to their fate.
— People without a livelihood — should not exist in principle!
— There should be no people without housing, in principle!
— Inaccessible medicine — should not be in principle!
— Inaccessible primary and vocational training — should not be in principle!
— Those, who need special help and do not receive it — should not exist in principle!
— Practically disenfranchised — should not be in principle!
— Unemployment and homelessness — should be prohibited by the law everywhere, in all countries that have decided to build Homonism.
— And the solution of all emerging related issues and problems — is the task of the state. For this, the state exists — to solve the problems of society.
— If the state does not cope, we need to help it. And if the state does not want to cope — everything must be changed in it!
Block 4.8,6.
— And therefore: all salaries, benefits, pensions — must fully comply with the requirements of the implementation of social justice. And there should be a rigid grid-dependence of the salary of the boss on the salaries of subordinates, the salary of the employer on the salaries of its employees.
— For employees of enterprises of all forms of ownership — unified social standards and social protection.
— And for an owner-entrepreneur, the incentive should not be a thirst for profit on someone else’s work, but a sense of its own dignity and its own benefit and significance, and its respect by others.
— However, with a change in the scale of human values, this incentive will become basic, prestigious and natural.
— And it will be necessary to make an inventory and audit of all living quarters and premises, suitable for alteration for housing; and to adopt the laws appropriate to the circumstances and social justice. To intensify the state building and to open adaptation temporary hostels; and to provide everyone with social and public housing. To prohibit the evicting people to the street or in unprepared housing; considering such actions as a crime of the gravest category. All homeless people will need to be accommodated in hostels, hotels, temporary shelters, etc. — by circumstances, but at the expense of the state (because the state is responsible for all its citizens and for everything that happens on its territory) …
Block 4.8,7.
— In the existing modern system of lending and distribution of profits and losses: profit is privatized (that is — appropriated by a narrow circle of owners), but risks, losses — are socialized (that is — they fall on the shoulders of society). Well, where is the justice ?!
— The principle must act: the one who had more, when everything was good, should lose more — when suddenly it became bad. (By the way, for those in power, this is an additional incentive to think; and, therefore, an incentive for progress.) This means, that all loan agreements, and all relevant laws, must comply with this principle (in the light of the principles of justice of Homonism).
— Any excess profits should be fairly taxed with increased taxes (of course, within the framework of a «reasonable», which does not bring the issue to the point of absurdity, a progressive scale of taxation of financial profits).
And it doesn’t matter where the super-profit comes from: from super-profitable production, or from winning the lottery … After all, they «these lucky ones» — do not live in a vacuum. They live among us and enjoy all the benefits of civilization, created by our labor:
— They drive on the roads, eat food, use premises, technologies, gifts of nature, etc.
But not all the industries, institutions, services — have the opportunity to receive such excess profits; many of them functioning due to the subsidies and the budget. But without their common work — no one, ever and anywhere, would not be able to receive any of their personal super-profits! … And the «lucky ones» will sleep more peacefully, knowing that they have paid a fair tax. And taxes will go for the common good: the good for us, the good for them, and for our descendants …
— The control over the use of taxes — is our common business; The Martians will not deal with this issue.
— By the way: to the systems of fines — an individual approach is also desirable, depending on the financial situation of a person.
Block 4.8,8.
— Now, let’s figure it out further:
— The state levies taxes … This means: all state services should be free. (Because: paying taxes and paying again — is a double payment.) It is unfair and illogical.
— Next, we need to distinguish:
— There are a budget-forming production and financial operations. Of these, either taxes are paid to the budget; or the amounts are credited to the budget in full or in part.
— But there are also operations that are financed from the budget.
— It turns out that a certain amount is allocated from the budget for a certain business. And then, a certain (usually quite significant) part of this amount — is again withdrawn in the form of taxes. Where is the logic? What’s the use? Entanglement and «shadow» …
— It is more logical: just allocating less without taxes… Then it will be easier to control…
Block 4.8,9.
— The gambling business must be taxed in a special form:
— Each bet must be taxed. (If there is money to «throw it down the drain» — share it with the state.)
— And the block of laws on the gambling business should be special:
— This is a mandatory audio-video registration of the bets (for the possibility of taxation); this is the strict prohibition on playing in debt; this is the strict prohibition on gambling by any funds, other than your own; it is a law that at the end of the game, the player must have an amount — not less than the official living wage; (before the start of the game, the player deposits this amount in the casino for storage, and, at the end of the game — takes it out).
— The state should establish control over all this. Only in this case the gambling business can be tolerated.
— The sports business should also be regulated by a separate block of taxes and laws. (Although, in principle, sport should be a sport, not a business.)
— Therefore, there must be a mandatory availability (fully meeting the demand) of free sports clubs in the most sports. The only exception can be made for «especially financially intensive» sports.
— Paid higher education, under Homonism, is, in principle, permissible, but only partially and only in a limited humanitarian sphere. (Well, who, for example, wants to go to a mediocre doctor, who bought a diploma for a lot of money ?!)
— For admission to a higher educational institutions, we need a competition of minds, not a competition of wallets.
Block 4.8,10.
— We cannot eliminate the criminality in one day. So it is necessary to reduce it systematically: removing the reasons, «soil», egregors.
— It is necessary to force criminals (even when committing a crime) to comply with certain limits, excluding «lawlessness» (cruelty, sadism, murder, etc.).
We must close all the loopholes of avoiding responsibility for committing of serious crimes. And for this we need to do the following:
— Following the example of the Constitution of Ukraine, to introduce the concept of «criminal order» everywhere, and a legal right — not to carry out such an order.
— Leadership of a criminal gang, consultations of criminal gangs, development of the plans for criminal gangs and other significant assistance to criminal gangs — should become especially dangerous serious crimes.
— Leaders of the criminal gangs should be responsible for all crimes committed by the members of the gang. (After all, in legal spheres of activity the bosses are responsible for the actions of their subordinates.) So, if the mafiosi does not want to receive the capital punishment, he (she) will make sure that their bandits observe the «limits of decency».
— Considering of any case, its moral and ethical part should become the main one. (After all, this is a big difference: if a person stole something in order not to die of hunger, etc., or if it stole something to get rich, or out of envy, etc.)
Therefore the base feelings, dark, evil — should aggravate the guilt.
Therefore, the feeling of jealousy — should aggravate the guilt.
Greed — should aggravate the guilt. Sadism — should double the severity of punishment.
— Infinite terrible Evil — should not have a single loophole to evade responsibility. And therefore: those who have committed especially grave crimes — must be isolated from society for the rest of life, regardless of age or mental illnesses.
— What is «demonic obsession» — we have already explained. But the obsession, when the obsessed person commits a crime — cannot be an excuse. Because each person is endowed with the freedom of choice: what to let into own soul — Light or Darkness. Even under hypnosis, you cannot force a person to do something that is contrary to its spiritual, moral and ethical principles.
And it is necessary to heal the possessed. To isolate and to heal …
— But, we must remember that it is useless to apply the death penalty against the possessed. The death penalty — is the victory of the demon. Life imprisonment is more effective. Because, the soul of the possessed, any lost and sinful soul — have the opportunity and the chance to realize, repent and struggle. And the struggle between Light and Darkness — is the main thing in our life.
Block 4.8,11.
— In all new jurisprudence, it is also necessary to take into account the fact of the existence of egregors and their specificity (basic qualities and features).
— It is necessary to remember about the constant energy-information exchange between the egregor and all its constituent subjects (individuals, groups, collectives, crowd, etc.). It must be remembered that individuals, with their feelings-energies, feed and support egregors; and form all their (egregor’s) features, qualities and strength. And egregors, in order to maintain their existence, increases power and capabilities, act through the subconscious on the behavior and thoughts of individuals, connected to these egregors.
— It must be remembered that when the egregor stops feeding it needs by the energies-feelings <emotions>, the egregor begins to self-destruct, forcibly spending irreplaceable energy on influencing its remaining members (in order to try to recover and to survive).
It must be remembered that when the individuals, who are the members of the egregor, begin to think and act differently — they begin and emit different spectra of energy-feelings <emotions>. And this, in turn, leads to transformations <changes> in the egregor. And the further fate of egregor depends on the features of these changes.
— Therefore, for the destruction of the egregor of killer maniacs, killer sadists, and the like — the death penalty is ineffective. Because all potentially connected with these egregors — cannot be destroyed at once. And the quick death of individual members of the egregor does not pose any particular threat to this egregor. The egregor still has enough power to influence on a new suitable imperfect personalities <souls> and for the producing of new killer maniacs, etc. In addition, the death penalty, whatever one may say — is the dark energy-feeling: the essence and nourishment of Evil!
Yes, minus and minus — gives a plus; but only in a collision. And belated revenge can only increase Evil. Where is the exit?
— We have already said: «Isolation — is an effective tool.»
— To isolate for life: and make them think and radiate into the egregor a sense of the inevitability of punishment; feelings of longing, regret, remorse, etc.
— The egregor, acting for alive, but isolated forever maniac — will spend its evil — devouring itself. And nothing else — a system works like that.
— Therefore, the replacement of the death penalty with life imprisonment has very strong and scientific justification.
— And one more thing: a person should always have something to lose. Therefore, the conditions of detention should be different for different people …
Block 4.8,12.
— In the wildlife, there is a well-functioning mechanism for the control of fertility and the population of the species. If this mechanism is violated, then hunger and wars for a place in the Sun — restore the balance …
— People, in the egregors of some folks and social groups, have a semi-conscious system of fertility control and regulation. And the egregors of some other folks and social groups do not have such a regulator. So, the mechanism of wars is turned on to reduce the population on the planet.
— In addition, war is what is needed to the egregor of the Force of Evil.
— If we do not want war, it means that we also need to establish strict control over the fertility. The state control; and where the state control fails — international control. But, in compliance with moral and ethical standards, without prejudice to those, who is already born.
Laws on birth control must be strict, up to forced sterilization.
But, of course, the main thing is the development of self-awareness and understanding of the vital importance and the necessity of introducing global fertility control on Earth.
— Actually, for this, to be meaningful, it is necessary to create the dominance of the power of Light.
And, in order to preserve moral and ethical harmony and exclude the possibility of the process slipping into the side of fascism — along with strict control over fertility — there must be the same «tough» struggle for the lives of those who was already born. Moreover, it will both advance science and stimulate responsibility …
Block 4.8,13.
— We have already explained what «relatively living objects» are.
— Under the Homonism: both living and relatively living objects — cannot be absolutely powerless. From our subjective human point of view, we propose to form their rights on the basis of the following indicators:
1. — Moral and ethical side of the matter.
2. — The right of other living objects to this object and its value for them.
3. — The ratio of harm and benefit from this right — to the mankind.
4. — The ratio of harm and benefit from a given object — to the mankind.
5. — Level,=the range of globality, occupied by this object, in comparison with one human personality.
6. — The value of an object in the environment of the Universe.
7. — Calculation of certain consequences, from certain actions of a person, in relation to a given object.
— Having studied these indicators and deriving the conventional units, we can then multiply these units by the conditional coefficient of the object’s vitality and obtain the formula-symbol of the object’s right.
— And then we will change many views and attitudes: to Nature; and to Our Mother Earth; and to the colonization of other planets; and to other forms of life on them and here, on the Earth. And even more so, we will have to take into account and observe the rights of the robots with artificial intelligence we create, and the rights of the artificial intelligence itself.
— The higher is the knowledge, the higher is the responsibility. Otherwise — collapse.
Block 4.8,14.
— If there is any law, restriction, or prohibition — they must be observed.
And for this: before we accept something, we need to think over, to model and to calculate many times.
— Otherwise — disrespect for the authorities, laws and all prohibitions and restrictions — in general.
Section 4.9.
The path to the infinity.
Block 4.9,1.
— And now, basing on all our knowledge, reflections, analyzes and logical conclusions — let’s summarize the main conclusion:
— What exactly do we need to do to completely replace <to reboot> the development program of modern Earth human civilization? How to switch the current program of the Apocalypse, which provides for the death of the modern civilization <End of the World>, to a new program of the Path of the Infinite Development of Mankind? How to start it?
— In principle, it’s very simple:
— We need to remove our greed and aggression everywhere and in everything; it’s a very simple overarching principle …
— And for this we need to change our generally accepted priorities: the spiritual is primary, the material is secondary.
— You need to sow around: light, love, creation; not evil, destruction, darkness.
— We must remember that envy, lust for power, any passion, varieties of greed and aggression — violate the harmony of life in general.
— Recognizing the rights of others, we need to go for a meaningful and conscious self-restraint.
— Realizing that the path of humanity is a collective path, we must think and care not only about ourselves, but about everyone. (And in a healthy society, first of all — about everyone.) Then the society, a healthy society — will take care of you.
And then the principle of Homonism will work in the relationships between people: «Each for the other!» The principle, which exclude hostility and war; and which guarantee a mutual assistance and understanding.
— Realizing that without Nature (without wild nature, as we call it), we will die — we must protect it, not pollute, and purify the polluted areas; we have to limit the area of our vital activity, giving more freedom to the «wild nature» of the planet Earth.
— Realizing that hydrocarbon fossil energy sources will run out soon, we need to give a flight of our thoughts and find fundamentally new energy sources and fundamentally new safe technologies. (And if oil and other hydrocarbons were «left to us» by previous Earth civilizations, then they already owned some other energy sources.)
— Realizing that the climate is changing globally, we have to invest our knowledge, searches and resources — not in weapons and all sorts of «trinkets», but in global projects and development of humanity’s adaptation to these global climate changes.
— Realizing that money is just a conventional universal unit of account, we have to stop putting the money in the rank of a deity. We have to learn to live, to work, to produce and to consume — consciously, self-limiting and thinking about others. And money will not be needed at all. And accounting units in economics, society, ecology, art, etc. will become more perfect (by the example of physical, chemical and other conventional scientific units).
— Realizing that the Universe is Alive, Smart, Infinite — we have to improve spiritually in order to become full-fledged worthy members of the Light-Reasonable Universal Brotherhood in the future.
— Realizing that the Evil <Satan> will not give up its positions easily — to go forward boldly. On our side is the God, who is the Truth, Light and Harmony.
— In general, it is necessary to change the spiritual and ethical content of all aspects of our civilization, so that LIGHT reigns.
Block 4.9,2.
— And further — a few specific clarifications: what should the human society do following the new program of the Infinite Path of Development:
— The first stage — is the introduction in the state (states) the foundations of a new economy and new jurisprudence; and the unification of states in economic unions in order, as already mentioned — to achieve the maximum possible self-sufficiency, thereby increasing the effectiveness of the introduction of a «cashless monetary unit».
— The second stage — is the creation of a Legal World Government and the beginning of solving of all problems faced by humanity in a globally coordinated and carefully thought-out aspect.
— And the third stage — is the continuation of the endless development of the mankind, but already according to the Harmonious Laws of the Universe; According to the laws of Good, Creation, Light, which provide and permit such an endless path.
— And the rule of World Harmony here says, that the spiritual and ethical development of mankind must always outstrip its material and physical development. Because any invention and any technology require a certain spiritual and ethical maturity of the mankind, so as not to cause a trouble; after all, even now we can already destroy life on our planet, and later the power and capabilities — will only increase.
— And finally: when the mankind will develop so much, that it (mankind) will feel cramped in its Earthly Cradle and it (mankind) will want to leave it (the cradle); or when the mankind will reach such a level of its spiritual development, that it will want to move from the material-physical range, to a new different range of the Universe — then the «modern mankind» will have to prepare the Earth for a new round of development of the New Earth Civilization with the New Mankind; whose genes are now dormant in primitive tribes, who are stubbornly live in the Stone Age and in the primitive communal system; and stubbornly unwilling to join our cruel (as it is yet) civilization …
End of the part 4 of =NicA=
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